Humidity problem


Active Member
Hi everybody i belive this to be a low humidity problem because ive just changed from a 125w cfl to a 25w hps and my leaves are curling upwards on the sides (as other people would discribe "venus fly trap" ), im growing in a small closet with an extract fan pulling hot air out which is wired to a thermostat and an hole for cold air inlet with a fan circulating the air inside, would sticking a bowl of water in the closet help this or is there any other ideas.


Elite Rolling Society
Walmart has a cheap hydrometer for about $3.00.

Try MISTING, if the plants are still in VEG cycle. Try some saucers of water, or wet towels laying around.


Active Member
cheers mate, from the uk we dont have walmart here. But will be picking one up anyway. I've stuck a bowl of water in with them to see if that helps. Was very lucky as i caught this early and the leafs were just starting to curl.


If it turns out to be a low humidity problem, Amazon has these $30 cool mist humidifiers called "crane adorable series." They come in cute animal shapes like penguins and frogs, but they work better than any humidifier priced under $100 that I've seen. These will be much better and less messier than bowls of water and damp towels in your grow space.


Active Member
Just checked them out they look cool. LoL love the penguin made me chuckle.... cheers for the qiuck replys will see how it goes, to be honest they was doing really well with just the 125w cfl but my mate gave me a 250w hps and said use that its better for them.


Just checked them out they look cool. LoL love the penguin made me chuckle.... cheers for the qiuck replys will see how it goes, to be honest they was doing really well with just the 125w cfl but my mate gave me a 250w hps and said use that its better for them.
yeah, the penguin and the frog are the two I have. the penguin actually puts out more mist for some reason. i highly recommend it. there is a video review of the penguin posted on amazon that shows exactly how much mist this thing actually puts off. good luck.


Active Member
Right ive switched back to the cfl now i wasnet keen on the hps but checked them and they seem a bit sad, droopy. here are some photo's let me know what you think

by the way this was some seeds from a bagweed of thai weed ( doing a test run before i start my skunk seeds)


why weren't you "keen" on the hps? they look fine, but cfl sucks, put em back under the HID if you like smoking bud. also, looks like you've been misting them on the top side of the leaf. if you are going to mist/folliar feed, do it just before the light goes off and spray the UNDER side of the leaves.


Active Member
you might consider moving those to a bigger pot.

No expert here but I've seen others recommend that.

They look good too.. you'll turn them around without problems.


Active Member
cool guys , i know the hps is better but i having problems controling the temp when its on, its not a very big closet...but ive stuck a tub of water in with them and they seem to have perked right up now no droopy leafs... yeah.. i did mist spray them i will note of what you said though as for the pots i will be transplanting them very soon, they are only 2 weeks old from seed so i think they aint doing to bad.
I dont know what to do really i want to use the hps but it runs way too hot and i cant keep the temps down ive only got one fan sucking the air out and a cut hole letting fresh air in. Thanks for all the replys


the only way to do it is to get an air cooled hood and run air through it. not that big of a deal, and the plant yields will be way better.


Active Member
ive just seen some for sell on ebay for only £35, cheap and they look alright will defintley get one soon, in the process of re designig my grow closet so i 1can use a hps. i checked them not long ago and temp is about 21 celcius and humidity is at 40-45% only just got these readings as i just found the meter in one of my mates bag that he left when he brought me the hps light. They seem good now so we will see how they get on ! Thanks for the help !

Jim Johnson

Active Member
Yeah just put a humidifier in there with em. The humidty you have is good for flowering so you prolly wont need a dehumidifier which are often more expensive. Anyway good look.:weed:


Active Member
Depending on a time line you are looking at, I'd recommend looking at second hand stores or surplus places. I found a activated carbon exhaust chamber just the other day for $10 bucks. Best find of the month...

It will help deal with the smell and the heat issues inside my room.


Active Member
nice one, i think sticking a bowl of water in with them helped alot with humidity prob i had but just checked them this morning and MichiganCaregiver was right in recomending i transplant them, they didnt look like that they were growing so i checked the bottom of the pots and the roots are starting to come out of it so will do that today but can root problem cause a yellow spot on one of the leafs i havenet fed any nutes yet just watered every other day.


Well-Known Member
nice one, i think sticking a bowl of water in with them helped alot with humidity prob i had but just checked them this morning and MichiganCaregiver was right in recomending i transplant them, they didnt look like that they were growing so i checked the bottom of the pots and the roots are starting to come out of it so will do that today but can root problem cause a yellow spot on one of the leafs i havenet fed any nutes yet just watered every other day.
From the look of them in the pics your they are not suffering from low humidity problems at all. Low humidity slows plant growth and make it difficults for young plants/clones to develop roots. If they were 2 weeks old then they are doing really well, and certainly not growing slowly. Humidity of 40% is fine mate honeslty.

Air cooled is definatley the way to go with hps in small rooms. In the meantime tho you could freeze a few 2litre bottles and put them in your grow room. They will help keep the temps. down considerably.

As for the yellow spot, would need to see pictures really. But my guess is where they have been under the lights with water left on the leaves.


Active Member
wow you guys are wicked for help, you could be right i did spray the leafs yesterday and just noticed the yellow spots today, will this heal alright ? Frozen bottled water sounds cool, get it ! bad joke. good idea.Couldnt get any pots today so will have to do it first thing tomorrow, i will take some more pics tomorrow once ive transplanted (should off done a grow journel ). Will keep everyone updated


Junior Creatologist
your pretty good for humidity , but you wanna make sure that once you get into flowering, that the humidity comes down a bit, to somewhere around 25-30% -- it wont have a HUGE effect on the plants, but its healthier for them. As for your tips curling, it doesnt look like it was too bad - and the hps probably had something to do with it, as you dont have a way to cool off the light or your room in general. Until you can either ventilate the room better or cool the light off better, your good with cFLs -- theres absolutely nothing wrong with compact flourescents man - ive seen some pretty respectable yields come off of CFLs, so dont believe the hype - CFLs work - if they didnt there wouldnt be an entire section on RIU dedicated to growers who exclusively use them and swear by them for their efficiency and effectiveness.

other than that man, your plants are lookin good :D

+rep for your progress man, n good luck on the rest of the grow!


*Edit* -- also, as far as foliar feeding goes, its a big nono, i learned that shit the hard way, lol. The only time that your girls merit being foliar fed is if your having a problem with your plants that need IMMEDIATE attention (ie, Magnesium deficiency), or if your plants are nutelocked, and you cant get any nutrients to the plants by conventional soil/root administration. If you leave the leaves to do their thing, theyll perform n do what theyre supposed to do, n wont letcha down man :D your doin fine, n keep it up ;)