Humidity problem


Well-Known Member
*Edit* -- also, as far as foliar feeding goes, its a big nono, i learned that shit the hard way, lol. The only time that your girls merit being foliar fed is if your having a problem with your plants that need IMMEDIATE attention (ie, Magnesium deficiency), or if your plants are nutelocked, and you cant get any nutrients to the plants by conventional soil/root administration. If you leave the leaves to do their thing, theyll perform n do what theyre supposed to do, n wont letcha down man :D your doin fine, n keep it up ;)
Controversial ;-)
There are some primo foliar feeds on the market that do work. If I want a mother to grow me new clones more quickly then Liquid light is a must. It took me a long time to come round to thebenefits of foliar feeding tho, so I hear what your saying.

One thing tho foliar feeding or not. I have always washed my fan leaves with tepid water once every week to clear the stomata.


Active Member
Ok i transplanted them today was dreading it but it turned out ok not that hard at all. They are looking ok got myself a ph tester today and good thing i did, through this veg stage my water i was feeding with had a ph of 7 i now get it down to a ph of 6, other than that think its going ok. here are some more pics im goner give a couple more days on 18/6 to see how thay react to the transplant to bigger pots thenif they are ok i will put them on 12/12.



Active Member
Thanks yer they seemed a bit stuned before i done the transplant the pots were small. Be good to see if i get any females !


Active Member
Have not yet sexed them? Do you know how to take a cutting prior to going flowering stage and figure out if they are males or females? It might be wise to look at doing that prior to flipping the light cycle.


Active Member
no i didnt know about this thanks for the heads up will look into it, these seeds was only from a bag of thai weed anyway so doing this as a dummy run to see how it goes before i start the proper seeds.


Active Member
ah ya.. for sure prior to fliping the light cycle.. read up.. or ask some questions. I'm not trying to tell you how to run the show, just trying to help ya. So LMK if you have questions.


Active Member
I will sex my next grow only got the one room at the moment so is dificult to do.....ok progress so far 3weeks and 1 day old from seed and they are big they are 3 days on 12/12 and i think i can see slight show of sex (not 100% sure) will give it a week and should see for sure, i will take some more pics, my question is can they start smelling before they bud, because two of my smell of freash skunk and the other one doesn't, is this normal or is it just me ?


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants mate, they are gonna be tall by the end of flowering mind.

Yes some strains will smell a lot even before flowering, It's not just you.


Well-Known Member
If it turns out to be a low humidity problem, Amazon has these $30 cool mist humidifiers called "crane adorable series." They come in cute animal shapes like penguins and frogs, but they work better than any humidifier priced under $100 that I've seen. These will be much better and less messier than bowls of water and damp towels in your grow space.
Hell yeah, I have the frog. Got it at Lowes or Home depot a year ago for about $30. Works awesome in my grow closet.


Active Member
cool thanks man ! Dam if they get big i will have no where to grow them they have already doubled in size in a week, is there any way to stop this ?


Well-Known Member
You can buy growth regulators, Bushmaster, Phospholaod or something like that? They vertually stop the stretch during flowering. There was one called Superbud but it was banned, I think because it was carcinogenic, I'm not sure tho.

I would have cut the tops a week or two before putting into flower. You could cut the top now tho.

Other than that you could try bending the top down gradually so that the main cola become horizontal? I've done this in the past when I wasn't paying attention to what seeds I was buying. I have had good results this way.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell what colour they are there is too much yellow light. When you posted pics on the 22nd, in normal light they looked spot on (not in need of nutes).

Normally my soil would be running out of nutrients by the time I flower, so I would be adding some flowering nutes a week before I change to 12/12. But there is probably still going to be some Nitrogen left in your soil. I'm pretty sure that the adding anything more than a light dose of flowering nutes will cause problems.

I would go easy on anything you add.


Active Member
Cheers trickky you have been a great help +rep for you. LoL
As for the colour of them yer well i switched to the hps for the last stages hence the yellow but they are the same green as on the 22nd maybe a bit lighter green, i have noticed the very first lower leaves and fan leaves are slightly yellow but im not goner worry, was going to wait about a week and see how they go. They are growng like made think it might be that they are ment to be grown outdoors, they are seeds from a thia weed bag i got so it will be cool to see what i get. he he will keep updated. !


Well-Known Member
No worries. And cheers for the rep, lol.

Bottom leaves yellowing a little is fine, and indicates the Nitrogen level in the soil has dropped. So you could start feeding them some nutes (lightly).

Thai is 100% sativa, they take 10-12 weeks to finish flowering! And will probably grow up to 1.5m indoors.


Active Member
Dam !!!! That will teach me to grow out of a weed bag, didnt know they would get that big or they take long flowering, should of read up a bit more, oh well got to start somewhere, i will have to extend my cupboard upwards thats goner be fun.
At least this will be a fun run before i start the proper seeds.