Humidity Problem


New Member
Hey think i got a humidity problem, these two pictures below are day of transplant and before i made the grow room and anyway the plants are green and lush.
Now pictures below are after i lined walls with panda and installed a in-take, i did not install a ex-take because the temp stayed around 85°F but the humidity was at %32 so i put electric frying pan with water in to simmer for water vapor and increased humidity up to %57 BUT i only put the frying pan in after the plant leaves started to yellow, even some lower leaves dieing, as well as fuck all growth after 10 days from transplant.
So as i suspected the humidity is way to low and damaged the plants, am i right?
I purposely kept 400w 2-3 ft away for plants intro to HID

Also i already no the effects of condensation from the vapor when light goes off and temp goes down so i know i,ll have to install ex-take to bring down humidity when lights go off, or face mold.

(BTW the electric pan uses fuck all water and keeps the humidity way up there lol i only half full once a day and definitely cheaper than a humidifier)

Not my first grow just first time i have had problems.

420 happends

Active Member
i see them now, ya i dont see any perlite in that soil and your plants look hungry from the yellowing of the leafs coming from the bottom thats a sign of her wanting food. i would of used soil with 50% perlite to help out with drainage or you could have overwatering issues.Good luck