Humidity Promblem/Question(s) PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
So I have my grow area set up with a veg area and a flower area. The temperature is usually around 74-77 degrees. The humidity never higher the 50% during the day... when the light is on, but when the light is off and I close the areas off so no lights leak (from vet are to flower area) the humidity rises in the flower room to around 85%, sometimes as high as 88%. I was wondering what this will cause!?! I know bud rott can happen if humidity is to high, but is it as big of deal since for 12 hours its lower then 50%? Any suggestions????? PLEASE GIVE ME INFO!!!


Well-Known Member
If you can get one, get a portable dehumidifier and set it to switch on when the lights go out (assuming your flowering room is not huge).

Are you still moving air through your flowering room 24/7?


Active Member
JuiceMC --

You are right to be concerned about the humidity level. Jonas has a good question though -- are you still moving air through / around your operation when the lights are off? Moving some fresh air in for about an hour after the lights are off should help to clear out that air.

Some of the problems you might run into ... yeah bud fungus is bad and I've had the good luck to never run into it. Another problem I read about when I was first starting -- there was an operation that had something close to your humidity levels -- 80-100% humidity. It was so humid, that roots, yes roots, were beginning to grow from the ends of the buds. Crazy eh?

A dehumidifier would be a very good investment for you at this point until you can get a better handle on the air flow through your operation.