Humidity Question? What's too high during flowering?


Well-Known Member
I've got a bottle of Microbials for my fishtank, is that the same "stuff"? I've been wondering this for quite sometime but never asked.


Active Member
I would cut h202 out completely in organic soil. You need the diversity of good and bad in organic. Its good however in something unfortified like promix or sunshine orhydro. Its important to remember that when a plants natural defense has been removed and its not in a sterile media, its now even more susceptible to a bad microbe running wild.


New Member
Thanks, Ok I will discontinue the h202. Prob a stupid question if you don't mind, if it kills the good microbes does it not kill the bad ones too? Like I mentioned I had only used it cause it had been recommended, but in a small dose, so I'm not partial. So basically the only other way to get extra oxygen to the plant is to use one of those air bubblers, correct? Well thanks again for the replies, I appreciate your time.



Active Member
Yes it kills bad but also good. And that opens the door for bad to rebound and take over especially if the plant is stressed. If you insist on h202 then feed synthetic fertilizer when organic soil has been depleted of available nutrition and microbes have been killed so they won't be assimilating any organic sourced nutrients for the plant to feed on.

You can add extra o2 without h202. Yes an air stone with pump in a bucket of water.


Active Member
Yes it kills bad but also good. And that opens the door for bad to rebound and take over especially if the plant is stressed. If you insist on h202 then feed synthetic fertilizer when organic soil has been depleted of available nutrition and microbes have been killed so they won't be assimilating any organic sourced nutrients for the plant to feed on.

You can add extra o2 without h202. Yes an air stone with pump in a bucket of water.


New Member
Ok, Thanks Tiki, I will discontinue h202 use, I started flushing my CC today and the other two will not get that any longer. Thanks for your help.


sativa indica pits

Active Member
ive actually done some research on h2o2 in the past couple days. I think the conclusion is, its better used as a spray than a soil or res additive. As tiki pointed out it does provide some benefit, but at the same time does harm beneficial microbes. I have never used it in my soil personally. There are also so very reputable garden sites that say it will help a variety of things. I would like to do some experiments with it too see just how much damage it will do to a good working soil. I would think the concentration of the mixture would play a big roll. 10-15 ml of3% into a gal jug may not damage anything/ may not help anything? ill have to just find out!! thanks for the spark!


New Member
Thanks for the replies, Sativa if you find anything out would you please let me know, thank you very much.
