humidity ?'s


Active Member
hey to everyone, I am new to the site, but it has been a big help so far. my question is, my humidity jumps up to 70-75% at night, and goes down pretty slow when the lights come on. the temps are between 65 and 75 and normally the humidity is between 50 and 60%. could this be enough to make the bud rot or cause mold, because there is a strange smell in the room. any help would be appreciated


Well-Known Member

Maybe check your roots, check in the deepest part of the bud for fuzz. Those %'s are pretty good though, I got up to 95% a number of times and had no problem.
If you were concerned then maybe have a fan blowing at the tops, that should make a big diff in moisture content in the buds if worried about that. I would think it would be pretty visible(mold/rot) if you can smell it easily over the smell of bud itself


Well-Known Member
What type of ventilation are those babies getting? What kind of fan is blowing on those babies?


Active Member
they have 1 fan on them and 1 blowing out of the room for exhaust purposes, probably not the best way but its all i got right now. and i open the window for fresh air to come in.


Active Member
Looks good! You're fine. That little extra humidity's effect seems negligable. Nice work!


Well-Known Member
the only way i get fresh air in is to open the window when the lights are on, but i think that enough is getting in though
I usually go by "if they look good then whatever you're doing is working" school of thought. I would mention though plants need CO2 and there is only about 3% CO2 in fresh air (if memory serves) - which is why a lot of growers add CO2 to their grow rooms so a constant supply of fresh air is desirable.


Well-Known Member
maybe you could invest in a small fan to help adjust your humidity. and have it on when the lights are off.:blsmoke:


Active Member
i am now leaving the fan on in the room at night and i finally got the humidity down to 40% with the lights on and about 55% when the lights are out, so i think the help has worked, thanks to everyone, ill let you know if it keeps up


Well-Known Member
i am now leaving the fan on in the room at night and i finally got the humidity down to 40% with the lights on and about 55% when the lights are out, so i think the help has worked, thanks to everyone, ill let you know if it keeps up
glad to hear its improving. keep up the good work. when you check your temps do you do it after the lights been on for awhile and at night after its been off for awhile or do you check right when they go on and off?that can also make it hard to tell because it takes a bit to warm up and a bit to cool down depending on your lights and may give you false readings. you may already know this but if not give it a try.:blsmoke: