Humidity & temperature


Active Member
Where should my humidity and temperature be? Right now im at 77-80 degrees and my humidity is at 37- 40. Its a pineapple chunk in soil.


Active Member
I looked it up. It seems like i need a masters degree in agriculture to understand this. I have 1 plant in a 3x3x6 tent. Im not trying do grow a farm. Could someone please give me some basic numbers.


Well-Known Member
He told you to do that so you can have an understanding. Think of it like math class. Sure anyone can give u an answer, but wouldn't you be happier understanding the material?


Well-Known Member
And the difference between bunk and fire weed, apart from the genetics is the grower. One who can dial his garden in and tweek it to maximize his plants potential is a grower who knows and understands what's going on with his plants and why
Dude the people on here who know anything don't really share. Look it up you will get a good idea. I'd keep at 75 - 80 humidity for veg around 45 - 55


Well-Known Member
Lower the temp to 70. The humidity should be as low as you can get it. That's all I can say without knowing your room setup and equipment. A dehumidifer is in order if possible.


Well-Known Member
You know what Google is? No offense to you OP just in general but....half the damn people on here just post post post begging for answers, yes I have posted things I have freaked out on as well BUT I tried everything possible to identify my problem, or to learn what to do next , read everything, then reread it all again, take notes...I have so many saved files on my tablet to go back to as wonder these experts don't want to share when you can easily search temp and hum and find at least 20 websites on the first search page! Like pseudo said wouldn't you want to know how to get to the answer....instead of someone handing it to you....what if something happens? How will you correct it? You can't because your begging for answers WHEN THERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU...

Sorry don't be offended, just annoying to a newer grower that is trying to improve his garden and himself, and when I can't find my answers and I ask for help,people troll...I don't get mad tho because I understand new growers just throw a seed in a pot and hope for the best, ruin it for the rest of us....
Great job buddy lock yourself up real tight in your improved garden. Your horse got to high look what happens when you learn a bit. We get 10 paragraphs of use less info post a link give an answer. Post a thread where you can cry about newb questions. Sorry to ruin your garden sir.


Well-Known Member
Great job buddy lock yourself up real tight in your improved garden. Your horse got to high look what happens when you learn a bit. We get 10 paragraphs of use less info post a link give an answer. Post a thread where you can cry about newb questions. Sorry to ruin your garden sir.
And your exactly what I mean....


Well-Known Member
He is asking simple temp and hum...and the way I'm reading your response you told him 70-80 hum...unless it was a typo I'll take back this next statement but ...guys gonna get mold with 80 hum...

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
I looked it up. It seems like i need a masters degree in agriculture to understand this. I have 1 plant in a 3x3x6 tent. Im not trying do grow a farm. Could someone please give me some basic numbers.
Keep humidity 10 percent lower than temps. You got your answer, and learned nothing. Congrats, you've made no progress in becoming a better grower. That chart is simple to read with a highschool education. Growing weed ain't for the lazy...


Active Member
I would like to say thanks to the people that gave advice. This is my first time growing. I have watched a ton of videos and read a ton of articles. I have now spent well over 300 dollars to grow one plant. Im also getting overloaded on info. I thaught the question i asked was very basic. I am also having some problems with my plant. If i bothered or offended anyone. I apologize. But i asked a question while i was at work and doing a bunch of research is hard from a phone.


Well-Known Member
I would like to say thanks to the people that gave advice. This is my first time growing. I have watched a ton of videos and read a ton of articles. I have now spent well over 300 dollars to grow one plant. Im also getting overloaded on info. I thaught the question i asked was very basic. I am also having some problems with my plant. If i bothered or offended anyone. I apologize. But i asked a question while i was at work and doing a bunch of research is hard from a phone.
Google.. enter....What's the ideal temperature and rh for growing a cannabis plant in soil?...enter... (hint: it's the first blue link) whew...that took 5 mins....well you wasted a whole day hoping someone gave you the answer (even tho someone did yesterday, but wouldn't both to read his link) with no leg work, should you post when to know to water next?