Humidity too low?


Well-Known Member
My humidity wont go above 25%. My two plants are veggin and acouple leave edges are curling up toward the light. Is this because humidity too low. I have a 400watt cool tube in a 4x4x6.5 grow tent. Whats a cheap way to increase humidity?


Well-Known Member
humidifer's are pretty cheap you can get one for around $20. or you could just hang a wet towel in the room, basically any thing that water can evaperate off into the air from. happy smokin!


Well-Known Member
Dude you should try grouping the plants togeather,the water vapor they give off will help other the other plants, like put em as close to eachother as u can.

the wet towel thing is a gud idea too!

or get a bucket of water and leave it to evoporate:) try the "paper towels in a bowl of water" method. and put it under a heating pad if u can.will work better i beleive!

also , mist your plants man.

Cheers :)


Active Member
DaBeatGoezOn you seem to know what ur on about so just a quick queston please mate as im 2 weeks into my first growing in a 1m square tent with a 600w light...iv got fans on etc... but with the light on the humidity drops to between 29 and 35 and temp to between 25 and 30....IS THIS A PROBLEM???

with the light off, the humidity goes between about 45 and 55 and temp drops to about 20 and 25...what do you think mate..anything i should be doing?