humming birds are awsome


Well-Known Member
humming birds are awesome!
i love growing outside in the summer...
today i saw like 10 hummers around a tree..they hate each other so much and dog fight
like tiny jets flying all around..
i think the are one of the best birds...
also chickens are cool cuz they taste good...and also eggs
i bet dodo birds were hella cool but i never saw one...

a few years ago i had a few pet parakeets..i hated them bastards...
also...ravens suck cuz they throw the garbage cans over and then the racoons get into it and make a huge mess...

is this how you T n' T?


Well-Known Member
ok so a few weeks ago i went camping with the fam...
there was hella steller's jays
we were grilling chicken wings...and they would steal them off the grill...
filthy (almost) cannibals!
near the end of camping they shit pure grease on my daughter....

oh wtf is wrong with quail? they almost get hit by my car every time i drie down the street..
they run out of the's like they forget they can fly...or they are lazy as shit...idk

we have the grey squirrels too..but...they are hella fat and lazy ..they do much of anything...
i saw my first weasel in may...fucking awesome!


Well-Known Member
also bob cats ftw
when i was a kid i went to the zoo and they let me pet one...
i could feel it purr,though the ground like a earthquake...
now,i see them all the had a huge jack rabbit in it's mouth running across the took to hops to clear three lanes...


Well-Known Member
I've never seen an orange/red hummingbird like that, and I used to get hummers everyday on my old porch.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I've never seen an orange/red hummingbird like that, and I used to get hummers everyday on my old porch.
That is a Rufous Hummingbird. They nest way up north and then spend time here during their migration to fatten up before heading down south.


Well-Known Member
That last pic is glorious. But please reassure me that the fill isn't cloudy with bacteria ... cn
Sugar water friend, just really strong? He just doesn't add the red food coloring. Neither do I.

Im surprised how they are mingling like that. I have one in my back yard that's extremely territorial and dive bombs all the other ones that try to drink from "his" feeder. He's got a bright vibrant red chest, almost metallic and is super aggressive. But he sticks around all winter so he's my buddy. When it freezes we change out the frozen feeders with warm ones, and the humming birds come flocking out to feed. Awesome.


Well-Known Member
anyone see this tv show...its about pests taking over people houses? (edit took a few minutes.the show is "infested" )
i saw one about bird mites and if fucked up my head... bad...
these people were being eaten by the mites....and they couldn't do anything about it..
they moved and the mites followed them...
now i think all birds are filthy