Hunter-Gazi: Giuliani and Russian propaganda scam to help Trump get re-eelcted.


Well-Known Member
Since our favorite FISA trolls are back trying to birth a new conspiracy weeks before the election (hello, 2016 called and wants it's leaked email scam back), and some sock puppet wanted to discuss it in a thread about this scam, here I am making another stupid thread about a made up non-story that Trump wants pushed. But it is not the first time this has happened here, and likely won't be the last.

So this con involves using some dubious laptop that Trump's trolls are trying to sell is Hunter Bidens because some emails (Which may well have been stolen in the Russian hack a couple months back) and pictures (that might be real or not who knows, the Clinton ones the Russians pushed were fake) we are supposed to believe have anything at all to do with his father who is running for president of the United States against Trump.

So how did this start? We could go all the way back to Putin running the KGB's disinformation campaigns for the Soviet Union, or more recent with the rise of internet trolls pushing conspiracies that eventually all wound up being absorbed by QAnon and any other brandname internet crazy, I think more though it makes sense to look at this scam the day Edward Snowden stole the data files from the NSA and was smuggled to Putin by Wikileaks founder Assange in mid-2013. Around this time all kinds of long term trolls were birthed. From a bunch of internet (free to use) 'news'-esque propaganda sites selling to foreign buyers (OANN, the Hill, the Nation, etc) to give the trolls a narrative to sell across every forum online, to BLM founding which brandname was later used to radicalize the right.

Below are some links to information I found out about this scam for people who are interested in understanding how this con Trump trolls (foreign and domestic) are pushing works.

Troll thread on this made up non-story:

My responses to the first time I saw this propaganda:

As soon as I found out it was being pushed by propagandist Steve Bannon:

The NY times story explaining that the guy who wrote the original propaganda in the NY Post refused to put his name on the front page because he knew it was suspicious:

@PJ Diaz post tearing through the nuts and bolts of this propaganda:

The letter sent by 50 former American intelligence officials to Politico explaining why they believe this is Russian propaganda:

It is a shame to give this nonsense any oxegen at all, but the troll army Trump has are determined to create busy work for people in Trump's cult to have anything to bring up when they can't ignore all the cracks in Dear Leader's presidency their friends and family are bringing up and need something to change the subject to.

Worth watching to understand how this propaganda attack on our nation works.

Best of luck everyone! January 2021 hopefully will see Biden sworn in and we can all start to build back our society that Trump's trolls have worked so hard to destroy.
Seriously, this is the final response to you on this matter unless you want to discuss it in- topic. How many threads in the politics section are there on Hunter Bidens laptop story? Why should I discuss Hunters laptop story with you in another thread you quote out to that's your own and unrelated? Why not discuss Hunter Bidens laptop story in a thread that specifically is about Hunters laptop?

I get that you're not fond of the story, but that doesnt make it russian propaganda, that is your feels dont make it so. Literally no Biden or anyone in his campaign is denying anything in the story, including his signature on the work order and emails thanking him for arranging a meeting with Joe the "big guy".

Since I dont want another lap around the circle jerk with ya, I will just disengage at this point. If ya quote this post in another thread, on ignore you go. Sucks, you seemed pretty reasonable up until the russia stuff but oh well.

This work for you?

It has nothing to do with 'my feels' that this is Russian propaganda. We have been warned about the Russian campaign to dig up dirt on Trump's political rivals, since Trump got impeached for illegally withholding the whistle blower complaint longer than he was legally allowed to obstructing congress. We have been warned when Giuliani was on OANN manufacturing the exact propaganda with Russian agents. We were warned when Trump's buddies Lev Parnas and the other guy shown that Giuliani was using Russian funding to spin this tale.

Why would Biden give this propaganda any oxygen? It has nothing to do with him or what would be his administration. Unlike Trump, Joe Biden won't hire his kids to solve middle east peace or solve a pandemic.
This work for you?

It has nothing to do with 'my feels' that this is Russian propaganda. We have been warned about the Russian campaign to dig up dirt on Trump's political rivals, since Trump got impeached for illegally withholding the whistle blower complaint longer than he was legally allowed to obstructing congress. We have been warned when Giuliani was on OANN manufacturing the exact propaganda with Russian agents. We were warned when Trump's buddies Lev Parnas and the other guy shown that Giuliani was using Russian funding to spin this tale.

Why would Biden give this propaganda any oxygen? It has nothing to do with him or what would be his administration. Unlike Trump, Joe Biden won't hire his kids to solve middle east peace or solve a pandemic.
It will not be sufficient, I’m sure of that.

They don’t care.
So that's just the Steele dossier standing all alone as the only Russian collusion these past 4 years.
You never read the Republican led bi-partisan senate reports have you? Because the over 100 contacts between Trump's campaign and the Russian military shows differently. For someone who 'leans left' and is not for Trump of Biden, you really are hitting all the spaces on the Trump cult bingo card.

Broke a couple hours ago:

“A senior federal law enforcement official tells @JakeBGibson 1) FBI & DOJ concur w/ Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden’s laptop & the emails in question weren’t part of a Russian disinformation campaign,”
lmao, any chance that 'senior federal law enforcement official' is Barr? Because he and Trump's other official trolls have been proven to lie to the public for Dear Leader.

To a hard core leftist, it does not matter that Biden is corrupt, it is irrelevant because he is one of their own. Likewise, there are so many on the right that really do not care for the Trump personality, but will vote for him because of what he has done. This story only matters to the small fraction of undecided or lukewarm voters remaining, of which I doubt any exist in this forum. Big tech really fucked up by making this story so large with their foolery. Poetic justice from my perspective. As will be the Trump victory.
What doesn't matter is Trump trolls saying Biden is corrupt. We can actually see Joe Bidens tax returns for many years. Biden was firmly in the middle class until he left office, because he never cashed in on his political power (unlike Trump).

"Big Tech" didn't mess up with this story, it has been well covered, and will continue to be covered because it clearly shows Trump working with the Russian military to try to steal another election.
You never read the Republican led bi-partisan senate reports have you? Because the over 100 contacts between Trump's campaign and the Russian military shows differently. For someone who 'leans left' and is not for Biden, you really are hitting all the spaces on the Trump cult bingo card.

lmao, any chance that 'senior federal law enforcement official' is Barr? Because he and Trump's other official trolls have been proven to lie to the public for Dear Leader.

What doesn't matter is Trump trolls saying Biden is corrupt. We can actually see Joe Bidens tax returns for many years. Biden was firmly in the middle class until he left office, because he never cashed in on his political power (unlike Trump).

"Big Tech" didn't mess up with this story, it has been well covered, and will continue to be covered because it clearly shows Trump working with the Russian military to try to steal another election.
I’ve gotta say it again, they don’t care.
Genuine drump supporters don’t care. They’re not intelligent folks. They don’t see the bigger picture. They won’t research. Spoon feed all we want but they just don’t care. They’ve blindly followed someone into a hellacious predicament and will continue until they run into a dead end. And even then they’ll stand by dear leader out of embarrassment or mental illness.
Fox is now pushing that drump supporters are not answering truthfully in the polling because they don’t want to admit to voting for him. AND they say there are a lot of people not putting out drump yard signs. That’s fuckn hilarious! They’re ashamed we know it. Fox says it’s because of fear of reprisals. Hahahahaha, like Biden supporters are big badasses Hahahaha.
I’ve gotta say it again, they don’t care.
Genuine drump supporters don’t care. They’re not intelligent folks. They don’t see the bigger picture. They won’t research. Spoon feed all we want but they just don’t care. They’ve blindly followed someone into a hellacious predicament and will continue until they run into a dead end. And even then they’ll stand by dear leader out of embarrassment or mental illness.
Fox is now pushing that drump supporters are not answering truthfully in the polling because they don’t want to admit to voting for him. AND they say there are a lot of people not putting out drump yard signs. That’s fuckn hilarious! They’re ashamed we know it. Fox says it’s because of fear of reprisals. Hahahahaha, like Biden supporters are big badasses Hahahaha.
I understand and know that trying to talk to the two above trolls are not going to do anything to change their minds, I am ok with that.

But if one person who is looking for plant advice logs into this site and happens to drop by this political forum, I don't consider this a waste of time. My goal is to not leave one of these bullshit propaganda stories Trump's trolls are pushing to be unanswered.

The lies being spread are to embolden Trump's supporters by giving them something they 'think' is real. And if any actual Trump supporters read this, I also hope that seed of doubt will make them think twice about bringing it up because they have also seen the actual factual information about this scam Trump needs them to regurgitate to end the conversation they are having with a friend or family so they stay alienated from society and he maintains his cult membership numbers.

And even if sock puppet above ignores me, I will still copy their troll posts into this thread and give them a proper response, because I naively hope that by doing it, someone else won't have to waste their time digging through the nonsense.
I understand and know that trying to talk to the two above trolls are not going to do anything to change their minds, I am ok with that.

But if one person who is looking for plant advice logs into this site and happens to drop by this political forum, I don't consider this a waste of time. My goal is to not leave one of these bullshit propaganda stories Trump's trolls are pushing to be unanswered.

The lies being spread are to embolden Trump's supporters by giving them something they 'think' is real. And if any actual Trump supporters read this, I also hope that seed of doubt will make them think twice about bringing it up because they have also seen the actual factual information about this scam Trump needs them to regurgitate to end the conversation they are having with a friend or family so they stay alienated from society and he maintains his cult membership numbers.

And even if sock puppet above ignores me, I will still copy their troll posts into this thread and give them a proper response, because I naively hope that by doing it, someone else won't have to waste their time digging through the nonsense.
I understand.
I just don’t think they care enough. Have I mentioned that?
I’ve been friends with a couple for over 20 years.
We’ve gone on vacation together. Grown weed together. Basically we’ve been real friends.
Until now. I tried to inform them. I tried to be cool and try to accept they’re views.
They are relatively well off, nothing spectacular but they can do basically whatever they want. They both work from home and have grown children and one that lives with his father.
Anyway, they quit talking to me and have blocked me online and by text and phone.
Honestly at this point I don’t care. What was a great friendship has changed. Not just because they don’t want to hear the truth but because I’ve come to see who they really are.
They’re petty and selfish. They don’t think of society or even their community. It’s all me me me. They’re pissed because they couldn’t go to bars, because they couldn’t go out to dinner, they couldn’t play pool on their league. Yet they don’t realize that their president is responsible for this.
Idk what my point is but this drumpshit is important to me in more ways then who’s president. It’s become personal and that’s the problem I have with him. Drump has ruined our country in so many ways, “like you’ve NEVER SEEN BEFORE”.
I hate him and I don’t care what happens to him.
What is or is not baseless is for the judiciary procces to pan out as per your remark, no? Why might that be off limits for discussion in the interim pretell?
Who says you can't discuss it?

You are the one self censoring because you want to post in a troll thread about it.
Is that like crying Russia?
Except we have actually had sworn in evidence of the Russian attack on our nation. Every time Trump's minions get sworn in since the Democrats started holding actual hearings they cry POTUS executive privilege because they don't want to go to jail for lying to congress like the first round of Trump's minions all did.


Shit we even have Putin admitting to the attack:
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Tuesday called on Attorney General William Barr to immediately launch an investigation into unverified claims about Democrat Joe Biden and his son Hunter, effectively demanding that the Justice Department muddy his political opponent and abandon its historic resistance to getting involved in elections.

With just two weeks to go before Election Day, Trump for the first time explicitly called on Barr to investigate the Bidens and even pointed to the nearing Nov. 3 election as reason that Barr should not delay taking action. Trump has been leveling accusations of corruption against Biden without verified evidence for months, but is stepping up the pressure in the final days of the campaign.

“We’ve got to get the attorney general to act,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox & Friends.” “He’s got to act, and he’s got to act fast. He’s got to appoint somebody. This is major corruption, and this has to be known about before the election.”

Julian Zelizer, a presidential historian at Princeton University, suggested that Trump’s pressure campaign on Barr has moved into uncharted territory for presidential politics.

“The question is, Does Barr erode the guidelines and reforms from the post-Watergate era and move forward with this?” Zelizer said. “We are seeing a total politicization of the justice system in the final stages of an election.”

Trump’s pressuring of Barr comes as national and battleground polls show him facing an increasingly narrow path to reelection. The president has repeatedly cited Hunter Biden’s past —often with unsubstantiated claims — as a reason that voters can’t trust Biden in the White House.

The president has been promoting an unconfirmed New York Post report published last week that cites an email in which an official from Ukrainian gas company Burisma thanked Hunter Biden, who served on the company’s board, for arranging for him to meet Joe Biden during a 2015 visit to Washington. The Biden campaign has rejected Trump’s assertion of wrongdoing and noted that Biden’s schedule did not show a meeting with the Burisma official.

Trump has yet to specify what crime he believes the Bidens have committed, but that has not stopped him from going as far as suggesting to voters that Biden belongs in jail.

The Justice Department did not respond to requests for comment on the president’s call for an investigation.

The president’s attempts to darken Biden’s reputation in the final lap of the election echo his “lock her up” attacks in 2016 on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who faced FBI scrutiny in the final months of the campaign over her use of a private email server while conducting State Department business.

Trump is trying to use all levers of power at his disposal as he struggles to gain ground on Biden. He has also expressed increasing anger over the resistance of the Justice Department to some of his appeals.

In addition to his call for a Biden probe, the president has become frustrated with Barr over the pace of the Justice Department’s investigation into the origin of the Russia probe, which will not be completed by Election Day.

Trump and his allies had high hopes for the probe, led by Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, betting it would expose what they believe is wrongdoing when the FBI opened a case into whether the Trump campaign was coordinating with Russia to sway the 2016 election.

But a year and a half in, there’s been only one criminal case: a former FBI lawyer who pleaded guilty to altering a government email about a former Trump campaign adviser who was a target of secret FBI surveillance.

Trump’s hasn’t hidden his frustration. He recently retweeted a photo of Barr with the caption “for the love of GOD ARREST SOMEBODY.” During a rally in Arizona on Monday, he suggested Biden would be in prison if Barr wasn’t such “a very nice man.”

“I know people that would have had him locked up five weeks ago,” Trump said. “Bill Barr is a very nice man and a very fair man. And in many ways, it doesn’t make some of us happy.”

Barr has privately expressed frustration over the president’s public pronouncements. Although Barr is broadly in agreement with Trump on the need to investigate the origins of the Russia probe, he’s often bemoaned Trump’s lack of understanding about the intricacies of the legal system and the steps that need to be taken to complete an investigation.

As the election nears, Barr has kept a lower profile, limiting his time in front of the cameras to avoid facing direct questions from the media about Trump’s demands for greater Justice Department involvement in the election.

The department on Tuesday announced a landmark antitrust case in Washington against tech giant Google, but Barr was in Florida speaking at a law enforcement conference. Barr also has remained relatively quiet after U.S. attorneys announced charges against a group of men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democratic ally of Biden’s.

“He’s toned it down, but it’s hard to know what else might be going on behind the scenes,” Carl Tobias, a constitutional law expert at the University of Richmond, said of Barr.

While Barr has kept a lower profile in recent week, he has publicly sided with Trump on election matters. He said foreign nations could print counterfeit ballots, something intelligence officials say there’s no evidence of and would be nearly impossible. After Trump encouraged North Carolina voters to vote twice to try to test the system, which is illegal, Barr declined to definitively say it was illegal, instead saying he wasn’t familiar with the laws in every state.

Trump’s call for a Justice Department investigation of the Bidens came just one day after 11 GOP House members sent a letter to Barr calling for a special prosecutor to probe whether Biden received foreign money during his tenure in the Obama administration and if he allowed Hunter Biden “to peddle access to his father with foreign business entities.”

R. Michael Cassidy, a legal ethics expert at Boston College’s law school, said the push might be at odds with the department’s historical resistance to getting involved in shaping elections, but he added that Barr — much like the president who appointed him — has demonstrated a willingness to bend norms.

“Remember, this is the same attorney general who said that stay-at-home orders imposed at the state levels were the greatest intrusion on civil liberties since slavery,” Cassidy said. “He is a norm breaker. He’s not a traditional attorney general.”

Straight away it was given to the FBI actually. It's not like the Bidens dont go to Delaware amirite?

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Emails are forged? You dont know that, nor do I. Literally noone is denying the authenticity of anything on the drive.

FBI and DOJ say no russian involvement. Just a crackhead mistake.

Thousands more emails to come from convicted Burisma board member, stay tuned?
Trump's minions are proven liars who like to plant false information into data dumps to use to trick the portion of the public that truly wants to believe in Dear Leader.

You really shouldn't believe anything that they say, even when they come with cool titles in important agencies. They are still political trolls.
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Hahahaok I see you’re blind.
I wouldn’t say a gd thing if it were me. I’d let them hang themselves.
I do not believe it was given to the fbi first. It was given first to “America’s Mayor” who has ruined his reputation for drump.
@hanimmal who got the laptop first?
I am not sure if we know who this laptop was gotten to who and when it occurred. Although it looks like you found how it first got handed to the police.

Since Bannon is pushing this scam with Guiliani, it is very possible it is a Epoch Times kind of con coming out of China or some third country that Putin is directing to run the scam.

It is the same way that Trump and everyone in his troll army like to pretend that other nations besides Russia was investigated in the links to the Trump campaign when we now know that they were not. It allows Trump to think he is pulling over one by saying 'Russia'.