hurricane damaged!


Well-Known Member
Background...started with 7 plants out in the woods I'm down to 2(nature killed 3 and 2 were males)
I'm about a month into budding...everything was going
great feeding with a 5-10-5 nute and molasses every
other watering buds were looking great and thought
I'd get something decent out of the two...
So I go check my plants after the hurricane passed
through and the bigger one is completly tipped over
roots exposed and I stand it back up re bury
the base and roots and use sticks to keep it propped
up but all the fan leaves are completly limp and hanging
straight down but after 2 days the fan leaves and branches
are hanging down but leaves coming out of the buds are still
looking good perky and bright green my question is: should I just harvest this now and just
be happy with what I have before the plant turns hermie on me?
All the hairs on the main cola have taken on a copper or orange
color so I'm a little worried that the buds won't be getting any
bigger and I should just harvest


Well-Known Member
Should I remove the fan leaves and just leave the buds and see if they grow? Cuz I've already started to flush this one. So if ihave to harvest it won't taste like shit


Well-Known Member
So I pretty much let nature take its course...
and we had another tropical system come through
so lots more rain this time less wind though...
so all the fan leaves on the outer branches are all
still just hanging down but the branches holding them
all have come back to life and are standing tall...
the whole situation has been a real shot in the arm
to the buds though they have exploded and in 2 days
most of them have doubled in size fan leaves are
growing from them like crazy I'm a little concerned
though all the white hairs have gotten almost reddish
and I'm not seeing many white this a sign I
should harvest or is this just a result of the stress?
No signs of it becoming a hermie