hurricane hannah comin to fuck shit up


Active Member
:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:im on the east coast of the us and this saturday is supposed to be high winds from hurricane hannah
what the hell should i do
im worried about this cause ive got a plant about 5 feet tall with some nice buds and i couldnt bear seeing it die and fuck up my first harvest!
what can i do?


Active Member
shes in a pot and i cant put her inside cause im still livin at home
fuckkinn a man
thats really the only solution?


Active Member
put it in a safe spot outside. im in the same situation you are in and im planning on putting it under my back porch or in a shed just until the storm calms down. best of luck to you dude hope everything works out


Active Member
mann i know id be laughin my ass off if i looked over the fence and saw my next door neighbor movin a bigg asssss ganja plant


Well-Known Member
i don't know but habve faith in ur plans u'd be suprised how hardy marijuana i saw a two week old plant stand up to 50 mph winds from tropical storm fay i was proud of her then it turned out to be hermie and had 2 b chopped tho


Active Member
i have no clue which way the winds are gonna be comin from
and theres no wall near it, its in a marsh
and thats about how strong the winds are gonna be
but ive heard stories about it ripping the buds to shreds


Well-Known Member
yeh 2 days without ligtht i'm not sure but u can try to find an abandoned shed or build a solid perimeter so it will protect and salvage any bud that may fly off


Well-Known Member
DUDE PROTECT THAT SHIT!!!!!! if it is in an isolated area go get some tools and build a little shelter. Like its not hard homie just go get a compass, find out which two ways or way the wind will most likely be blowing and then make a little wooden barrier with 2 by 4s!!!


Well-Known Member
I had four outdoor plants just come thru Gustove. They were amongst many heavy bushes that kept the wind mostly off them and they were in pots with a soil mix that allowed them to drain quickly.


Active Member
thats all i needed to hear man
but fuckk im lazy haha i guess im gonna have to do it or that plant is doneski


Well-Known Member
We just had a glancing blow by Gustav and I feel your pain. My chit was in the ground but came through unscathed. If I were in a planter I might try tipping it over on its side and facing the bottom of the planter southeast. That's usually where the strongest winds will come from. I might consider tieing the main stem down don't think I'd try tieing any of the branches down though they'd do better to whip around. They are pretty strong. Just an idea. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
I wa sin teh same situation just a few days ago.. and it's like everyone said... pray for teh best.. you could put it behind some tree's if thats an option and hope the wind doesnt shift back the other way.. I dunno man, I put mine inside and prayed.. it made it through teh hurricane.. but apperantly not through me..


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat my friends. I just transplanted my remaining two ladies outside yesterday and to my surprise they're doing better than when I had them indoors! Mine aren't very well protected against winds so I'm anxious to see if they'll withstand whatever this windy bitch may throw at them. After all the trouble I had gone through with them indoors they had damn sure better make it or I'm gonna throw a temper tantrum ha ha.


Active Member
yeah my stems pretty damn big about 2 inches through and through and i could put it between this fence and a tree and i think it would be pretty safe
but in general could a hurricane completely murder my plant?


Active Member
yeah i feel sure a hurricane could demolish certain plants. i mean they can take down big ass trees let alone 5 ft marijuana plants. oh yeah and i have the same question about leaving them in the dark for 1 or 2 days. i got a shed that i could put them in, would that be better then leavin them out in the storm?