Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil


New Member
hey hustla....yup...they are taking to the hps really ell.....good work on the rebound....!
thanks tahoe, im pleased with the outcome although its taken me a while to get here lol. i made it in the end. thanks for popping in my friend.

i have just ordered a 400w metal halide bulb so im going to swap the hps for that when it comes ( i have a universal ballast ). it should be here by the weekend hopefully so i'll see what the difference will be then.



Well-Known Member
your rhino's look just like mine right now, including how the leaves don't point straight out. mine are growing nicely too, hopefully both grows keep going on strong.

Happy growing!


New Member
hi guy's, here is the latest update. the pics here are from this morning under the HPS, i have just recieved my MH bulb and have fitted it so we should see a difference in the next few days. the first 3 pics are of the widows and the 4th is the rhino. the last 2 pics are the MH bulb i got, i got it from Grow Lights*>*Grow Lamps*>*Metal Halide Lamps its the powerplant 400w @ 9.99 GBP. i dont see why i should pay top money for a bulb that does the very same job and is half the price. i can only wait and see how it performs now.




Well-Known Member
glad to hear ya got ur bulb and all is interesting to see the results.....thanks for sharing! good luck!


Well-Known Member
lookin good those babies are growing fast. Mine just hit a growth spurt too, i want to post pics later. So all of your seeds sprouted right, thats great. Im a bit worried about my buddy bwinn have you heard from him?


New Member
lookin good those babies are growing fast. Mine just hit a growth spurt too, i want to post pics later. So all of your seeds sprouted right, thats great. Im a bit worried about my buddy bwinn have you heard from him?
hi kaya, ive not seen bwinn on here for a few days now, when was the last time you saw him on here ? i just had a look and he last posted here on the 2nd
as for the seeds yes both sprouted without any probs, they are 8 days old now, the big 1 is 17 days old.
hi tahoe, thanks for coming by to see my babies



New Member
just checked in on the growroom and it seems to be fine at the moment, the temp is abit higher and is 88F ( was 84F before ) i'll keep my eye on it to make sure its not going to go any higher.


New Member
managed to get the temp back down to 84ish, i have 2 thermometers in there and both are giving different readings. 1 says 82F and the other says 85F, both are side by side lol so i dont know if 1 is not calibrated properly. i'll just take an average reading from now on because all 3 plants seem to be doing fine. i'll post pics tomorrow so you can see the difference with the MH bulb.



Well-Known Member
Looking forward to seeing the "after" pics. also, your soil looks really nice and loose at the top, how do you keep it from settling when you water? and how are you watering them?



Well-Known Member
hi bro. cant wait to see your growth with your new halide. shud be better than the hps.

i was thinkin about gettin a halide but with the extra heat im not so sure yet eh. coz im already experiancing high humidity levels i dont wana add extra heat just now , but my humidity probz cud be because im runnin 2x400w lights with 3 nft tanks.
will keep an eye on your journal n see if its worth getting but for now im all for the hps lol..
let me know how you get on with the heat issue and if everything is fine then i mite change to hallide for veg and keep the sodium for flowering.


New Member
Looking forward to seeing the "after" pics. also, your soil looks really nice and loose at the top, how do you keep it from settling when you water? and how are you watering them?

hi ryan, thanks for stopping by, at the moment im using a misting bottle to spray the soil 3-4 times a day just to keep the top damp, after an hour the top inch is dry again, so i also water once a day with distilled water from a bottle. i dont soak the soil so its running out the bottom but i add just enough water to wet it. i will tr and get some good close ups for you to see shortly.



New Member
hi bro. cant wait to see your growth with your new halide. shud be better than the hps.

i was thinkin about gettin a halide but with the extra heat im not so sure yet eh. coz im already experiancing high humidity levels i dont wana add extra heat just now , but my humidity probz cud be because im runnin 2x400w lights with 3 nft tanks.
will keep an eye on your journal n see if its worth getting but for now im all for the hps lol..
let me know how you get on with the heat issue and if everything is fine then i mite change to hallide for veg and keep the sodium for flowering.
hi bro, i have had to take the MH bulb out because the temps were over 90 F when i checked this morning. i thought i had it sorted out but obviously not. i have put the duel spec hps back in and its leveled out the temp back to 82-84F. i think its just too hot for my growroom, i had thought about leaving the door open abit but thats not an option because of where im growing. with the doors shut no-one knows its there. i will definately use the MH again when we move and get a bigger growroom setup.

here is some more pics of all 3 plants,
the 1st 3 pics are the widow #1, as you can see its doing very well in there now and producing alot of new growth at every node. its got 6 nodes now and stands at 1 1/2" high, and 5" wide.
pics 4-6 are widow #2, its just over an inch high now and its leaves are spreading out nicely. the 2nd node is forming now and its looking healthy.
pics 7-9 are of the rhino, its 1 1/4" high and on its 3rd node. its spreading out also and is starting to thicken up its stem.
the MH bulb has given them a spurt of growth but it was just too hot for them and i dont want to lose any more plants if i can help it so im using my duel spec hps bulb again.




Well-Known Member
wow they are lookin great!!!!! how many days are they now i tried to figure it out but i cant? fun watchin the little guys grow into beautiful plants!!!


New Member
wow they are lookin great!!!!! how many days are they now i tried to figure it out but i cant? fun watchin the little guys grow into beautiful plants!!!

hi kaya, the little ones are 9 days old and the big 1 is 18 days old now. its great looking back at the pics because i can see a big difference in them.



New Member
hi folk's, the leaf on the widow #1 that got burned was taken off today. it didnt look nice and i didnt want any infection it may have spreading to other parts of the plant. you can see in the pics that the lower growth is getting alot bigger and producing alot more leaves. its now standing at 2 1/2" high and 6" wide and has 6-7 nodes. i have started to give it small amounts of feed,( tomorite 1ml, supervit 1 x drop and root formula 1ml per litre ).
the rhino is just under 1 1/2" high and its leaves are taking shape well. it has started to get new growth on its 2nd node so its going to start bushing out like #1.
widow #2 is a little behind the rhino but still doing very well. it stands at 1 1/4" and is not showing any new growth on the nodes yet. these 2 are just getting distilled water for now, i'll start giving them the same mix as the #1 probably next weekend.
thanks for looking.


