Hustla's latest, widow & rhino in soil


New Member
thanks for stopping by tahoe, theres going to be plenty more pics over the next few weeks i hope lol. but it will depend on the female ratio in my growroom.



New Member
hi guy's, here is my daily update. the big widow is now 4 weeks old and the other 2 are 19 days old. they were in 6" pots until today and were doing fine ( see pics 1-4 ),
i have just re-potted them, the big widow is in a 3 litre pot because im sure its male and i dont want it taking over the grow space of the others.
the small widow and the rhino are now in 5 litre pots. pic 5 shows the size difference in the pots, pic 6 is them all in their new pots back in the growroom.

the big & small widows have a normal house plant sort of smell about them but the rhino has a strong marijuana smell now so im hopeing its a female. i wasnt expecting it to smell like that when i took it out of the growroom lol ( i was shocked because of its size ).




Well-Known Member
looking very nice o2hustla,,and good idea with the possible male,,if it turns out not male,,ya just re-transplant

Keep on Growin



New Member
looking very nice o2hustla,,and good idea with the possible male,,if it turns out not male,,ya just re-transplant

Keep on Growin

hi hole thanks for stopping by. im pretty sure it is male and i dont want it to take over the growroom, but i do want to keep it for breeding if i get a fem from the other 2 plants. it has got balls im sure but i cant get a real good look at them even with the microscope. i have put the timer from 18/6 to 16/8 for the next week or 2 and then im going to go 12/12 and see what i have got if i dont see before then.



Well-Known Member
Looks good, i have a plant that started to smell during veg when it was 2 weeks in, the big one from my first batch of seedlings. it really only smells if you get real close to it or touch the leaves though.

Good luck with the males/females hustla.


New Member
hey masta hows you my friend ? hi ryan thanks for stopping by, i wasnt planning to breed them but if that plant is a male, and if i get a fem from the other 2 ill try and get some seeds from them so i can concentrate on a breeding program later in the year. i cant do much else at the moment because i might be moving house soon and dont want to be in the middle of a grow when i do, lol it would be a nightmare to try and move plants in different stages of growth. this will be my last grow attempt until after i move house, then it will be bigger grows for me:mrgreen:.
i'll be posting pics later today when my cam batteries are charged up.



New Member
here are the pics as i promised.

pics 1-4 are the rhino, its about 3" high now and on 7 nodes. the lower growth is getting more leaves on as you can see in pic 4.

pics 5-7 are widow #2, its abit shorter than the rhino but its alot wider. its also on 7 nodes now and the growth is the same as the rhino.

pics 8-10 are widow #1, i still cant get a decent pic of the balls on this plant, they are not getting much bigger so im still unsure of its sex. the lower branches on this plant are about 5" long now and have 4 or 5 nodes each.

thanks for looking.




Well-Known Member
i was looking at the older pics its amazing how fast plants can grow!!!! they are lookin good are you budding them or do you see preflowers?


New Member
hi kaya, it looks like pre-flowers on the big widow because im not flowering yet. im going to give the little ones a chance to catch up abit before i go 12/12, i may do it next week depending on their size.



New Member
hi guy's, im looking for some input here, as you know im thinking about crossing my widow and possibly the rhino ( if not this time round it will be on my next grow ). i will be doing this for my personal use and was thinking about calling it mighty white. has anyone heard of this name being used for a strain before ? or would you think it would be fine to use it ? its just that i dont want to use a name thats already getting used for a different strain. all input is welcome on this. thanks.



Well-Known Member
hey masta hows you my friend ? hi ryan thanks for stopping by, i wasnt planning to breed them but if that plant is a male, and if i get a fem from the other 2 ill try and get some seeds from them so i can concentrate on a breeding program later in the year. i cant do much else at the moment because i might be moving house soon and dont want to be in the middle of a grow when i do, lol it would be a nightmare to try and move plants in different stages of growth. this will be my last grow attempt until after i move house, then it will be bigger grows for me:mrgreen:.
i'll be posting pics later today when my cam batteries are charged up.

i am good. yeah i almost had to move my plants last grow to another house and it was gonna be a nightmare lol, so i decided to harvest early. i wanna move soon too and then bigger grows for me too mwuhahaha. talk to ya later and good growing.:hump:


New Member
i am good. yeah i almost had to move my plants last grow to another house and it was gonna be a nightmare lol, so i decided to harvest early. i wanna move soon too and then bigger grows for me too mwuhahaha. talk to ya later and good growing.:hump:
i hope i dont have to harvest early masta, because that would spoil the crop i think. i like the heavy couch lock stone mainly because it helps with my back pain and takes me away to another place lol.



New Member
hi aquarius, thanks for coming by, the plants are doing fine except the rhino, it had alot of disscolouration on the lower leaves this morning so i have trimmed them away in the hope it will be fine.
as you can see from pics 1-3, i have taken off the lower leaves from the bottom 2 nodes, sorry no pics of before. the rest of it seems healthy and green except on one leaf ( on the right of pic 3 ) so i'll just have to see how it gets on now. its just over 3" high now.
pics 4-6 are the big widow, its now 7 & 1/2" high and almost a foot across. the 5th pic shows the length of the lowest branches, which are almost 6" long.
pics 7-9 are the small widow, its just 3" high and getting quite bushy, the lower branches are getting longer and thicker.

im going to put the big widow onto 12/12 this weekend to see what sex it is. im also going to put the 2 smaller ones in a seperate veg box untill they get abit bigger and im ready to flower them..




Well-Known Member
wow, their really bushing out well. nice thick stems too. they look really great hustla, keep up the good work.


New Member
hi again guy's, i have decided to go 12/12 from today, i have already set the timers. i know the small plants are maybe too small to flower but i cant leave it any longer. i want to get this grow done before i move house and as i said before i dont want to be half way through a grow and move. i know i wont get much bud from them this time round, there is always next time.
