Hvy bubble bags?


Well-Known Member
meh never used em but they look pretty cheap. Plus you can get a 9pc set of payload bags for the same price.


Well-Known Member
i just ordered them thanks! see how these bad boys work soon..

its my first time around doing the extraction..whats your process of doing it..do you leaves the the trims whole or crumble them up?


Well-Known Member
i just ordered them thanks! see how these bad boys work soon..

its my first time around doing the extraction..whats your process of doing it..do you leaves the the trims whole or crumble them up?
I freeze my stuff exactly the way it comes off the plant. So if I pluck a whole leaf, a whole leaf goes into my bag. The exception is buds, I usually toss my popcorn stuff that isn't quite finished or not dense ect in there, I usually chop those up with the scissors. If you want some real good info on making ice water extracts check this out. It's pretty long and goes off on tangents but this will put you on the path to making some top notch hash if you listen through and pay attention.



At the recommendation of a friend, I bought some HVY BAGS last season and gave it a try. My friend had nothing but great things to say about it, and he's used every brand out there. I gave it a shot and I agree with him. I was worried because they were so much cheaper than the other brands out there, but I learned that in this case, the cheaper bag happened to be the best one I've used. I've used them several times now with no problems. I've always gotten a ripped seam after a couple of uses of my other bags (I've gone through several sets of Payload, a couple sets of Trashbags, and a lot of others. I think Payload was the cheapest quality). Obviously, I've been doing this awhile. I've turned some other friends I have in the same 'field' onto these, and I'm still friends with everyone. I just hope they don't start raising their prices.