I would get a ph pen. They are so much better than using one of those ph kits. Make sure you mix your Micro nutes in the res first. Then put the other bloom and veg nutes in. Make sense. The Micro has a buffer in it to stabilize the ph for you but you should check it after you add all of your nutes to make the final up or down. Just make sure to check your ph often! I hate ph problems so I got a ph pen and have not looked back. The plants are looking really nice bro.
Thanks bro; yeah I plan on investing in a PH Pen, but it seems I've not budgeted my finances well and i'll not be able to afford anything at least until after my first harvest. From now on, i'm going to mix supertrive first, then i'll mix my my nutes. Thanks for helpin
you didn't allow enough time for the matters to dissolve
if u look into your res and watch your ph up dissolves into the water
you will notice it becomes like lil bubbles in the water, almost like when oil mixes with water
it will then slowly start braking into the water raisin the pH a lil as it brakes into the soup
rule of thumb - you always want to pH after you added all your nutes!
hope this make sense
girls looking great, maybe lil over watered!
Hey SOG, Thanks for the advice; I've not got much lighting at the resovoir lid, so i've never watched it, but i'll observe disolving PH with my light next time. I appreciate the rule of thumb. Thanks for stopping by, i'll be makin ya proud!
I think 1/2 cup of fertilizer per gallon is a bit much, and I think for superthrive you only need one capful. Cut your nutes in half and see what happens. Did I read correctly that you are adding bloom ferts? If so, those are low in N, which is what is needed for vegging. If you are watering constantly, the plants just sit there and do nothing. Water once a day for 15 mintues right when the lights come on. You can tell that you might be over fertilizing because the pH drops so much when you add the nutes. It should go down, but if you start at pH7, it shouldn't drop to 4. If you are flowering soon, get the plants healthy and growing fast (the new stuff DOES look better) and when you decrease the ferts again you'll see a difference. Cut the old, bad growth off. You need new stuff to used as a metric, plus you need to know when you aren't using enough N (lower leaves will fade while plant keeps growing), at which point you can add more....slowly. Changes happen fast with hydro, and two days of backing off can make a world of difference, as you have already proven.
Keep monitoring, happy plants are just around the corner, and keep up the good work.
Awesome, well i'm really excited of what's to come! sorry for the misleading info, I mixed a half a cup for 40 total gallons lol. The formula bottle instructed .5 tsp's per gallon for a 250PPM mix. I read somewhere on a thread here that clones loved the bloom formula, and it did well for my first set of clones; but I guess they are no longer clone cutlings anymore haha. Would it hurt to add the 1 part grow & 1 part bloom formula in the res together?
there looking awesome bro
Thanks man; I can't wait to switch to 12/12. I wish I had some more strains like you, I'm going to acquire a tolerance against this white widwos strain quick like I have this bag of mexican swag. I haven't smoked dank in like 2 years, just swag; yuck my lungs are black haha.
looks good man...GO BIG ot GO HOME!!! sucscribed...as i stumbled onto this i am wearing my highway 420 shirt with the sign and all...kinda funny...anyhow good luck ill be keeping an eye..wanna see how it turns out
Sweet bro; thanks for joining the thread, i'm assuming that's a very mellow muchroom shirt you got there; It's really a great shirt, I was the happiest mug in the world when I signed up on this site, I'll try to bring as much scientific and informative data to the table as I can for everyone during this grow, I don't have any personal notes i'm keeping, so this will suffice. If you check out my 11/01 update on page 2, you can see this dream image that i've always fantasized with with fields of green. Mountain High

Today I welcomed some unexpected visitors reviving themselves on the leaves of in grow room. Supposedly these lady bugs are migrating this time of year and have found their ways into my grow room. I saw lots of dead ones outside, and these are still alive in the termperate conditions of my grow room. Anyway, I hope the 18/6 light stimulates their life cycle and keeps them alive.
Not much to update on really. My new mother in her new mother chamber 18/6 400W Metal Halide. Again, thanks for all yall's support; don't know what I would do without you.