Hydra's "Perpetual" grow: Preparing for the Med-Pocalypse!!!!


Well-Known Member
dude, lookin real real awesome. Very impressive setup.i loveyour set up and gear. Dig that ity bity ballast. What kinda is it?
Can i please see a picture of your banana. I complelety understand the devistating feelings you must be feeling if by chance your garden has been pollenated . I have had a couple breakdowns myself over the same event unfolding in my tents.
I have the same dual diaphram as you and fuckin love it! Dude look at all the lime build up on it from your az water !! Hahahahaha. Your not r/o your water then?
How do you like your humididty level at? Your girls look really really healthy.
I ment to tell you that that while little container in my jouirnal you asked about.. That is plastic container that 10 ml saline syringes come in. I can get them at my job, they are very handy.
Try to cheer up a bit and just give me a philadelphia cheesesteak and call it even.
mmmmmmmmmmm cheesesteak


Active Member
It turned out fantastic:) Ill post pics of the harvest here in a bit, been super busy with work, and getting ready for school:(
thanks for checking in...ill post pics today^^


Active Member


Here are the pics from the water farm i am currently harvesting. the others are curing and ill take pics of them once they are pretty and cured:)

Hope you like


Active Member
I also have a clawing Kosher Kush! Will stick a long to see the outcome. Real nice setup!

*did not notice that the clawing was a while ago, how did it go???


Active Member
buds turned out sort of hard.........

buuuuut when they were dried and cured...the smoke was fantastic! VEry og kush tasting but VERY potent:) you will LOVE it