Hydro Atempt - Drip / DWC bubbleponics


Well-Known Member
Well all, its like this, Not sure for sure what type of system I built here but I guess it would be Drip over DWC bubbleponics. Please corect me on this if its not.

Basically i have a 4 pot system consisting of 5 gal buckets, 6" baskets, Black tub for resivoir, 640 gpm pump (ran on a timer and restricted to allow for good resivoir aggitation) as well as an "Eco Air 8" air pump that allows me to have 2- 3" air stones in each pod of the system.

March cleanout 238.JPGMarch cleanout 239.JPGMarch cleanout 241.JPG

I'm using humbold nutes 2part Master A and Master B, and also have at my disposal the 3 part Grow, Micro, Bloom, but started with the Masters so will likely stay with them unless there is some apparent reason that makes the 3 part better. I also have my sea cal and mag, prozyme, as well as humic in the form of flavorful, and use humbloldt roots during the veg and transition stage. I also have yet to get a form of cars to kick em into high energy state as in my soil grows i used backstrap molasses though with the hydro afraid that may cause me unnecessary problems perhaps with root rot. which I am also adding 1/2 ml per gallon of 34% H2O2 to help prevent. About the only other thing I can think of to say about the system is that I also cover the resivoir with a few layers of reflective mylar to aid in keeping my tank from getting too warm from the light. Currently running a 400 Watt mercury halide until flower when I transition it up through 600 up to 1000 watt hps. I have yet to add Co2 but will do this soon either with exhale bags or hoping to stumble into enough cash flow the next week or so to buy a co2 metering system.

The variety I've selected while I await my seed order is Purple Buddha. I have kept this variety going over 3 yrs since I got my hands on a clone. Good hearty variety that has proved itself time and time again producing quality product with a decent yeild. Here is a pic of one of the girls after 2 weeks bing in the system as wel as a pic of the roots as well.
2 wks.JPG004.JPG

Thats wehre I am to date with this grow and new to the hydro game i would appreciate any and all advice on the system and or methods of my madness as I update this post regularly with updates.
Not sure if this is where this goes as I suppose in its own right its a grow journal if so my apologies to the moderator for having to move it. Thanks fellow gardners in advance.:blsmoke:


New Member
I think with a drip it's called recirculating dwc or rdwc. Not sure though. I just ordered some GDP about to grow... hoping I will have finally found a purple that actually gets me high.


Well-Known Member
Nice set up and nice lookin' roots :weed: I can't see where you are dripping from? From the top? Or in the root zone? If from the top, I believe that's called Direct Top Feed (DTF). If dripping the root zone. I believe that would be DWC bubbleponics. Though, I may be wrong :bigjoint: But if it yields killer flowers. Who cares wtf you call it....LOL

Subbed Gotta love them purps!

Good luck and have a great grow :peace:



Well-Known Member
Okay, so I, sittin here veggin in my veg room and lookin at things i need to do in the soil grow, and perhaps one toke over the line, as the song goes, I'm thinkin I should be asking the experienced hydro growers a couple questions.

First - my hydro girls, as pictured in the top, are right at 2 weeks old, 10" tall, and have 6 nodes. In my soil grow, I generally FIM trim the growth tip for multi cola. I'm slating this for a 100 day growwhich leaves about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks of veg left with an aproximate hieght into flower around 24". What ya think, top em ?

Second - Root Pruning, It appears to me that with the 6" baskets, with a second set of hands, It would be quiet easy to prune roots. Is it something that is done and if so, when and any suggested procedure i should use?


Active Member
Yes its a top feed dwc,also known as bubbleponics. Where did u get the idea to prune your roots? Sounds outrageous to me...big roots feed big buds!!


Active Member
Its a top feed rdwc just saw the res. I believe any form of dwc is referred to as bubbleponics to some,and we're all bubbleheads!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, also not sure about root pruning? I mean, I know it can be done for real estate purposes (roots to close to pumps). Or, that sick or dying roots can/should be pruned. But I haven't seen much evidence that it helps yields/potency/growth to routinely prune healthy roots? And I have looked. There are some decent results if you Google "cannabis root pruning". Especially one thread from a UK forum. But it appears to be like so many other grow "issues". Some (few actually) swear by it. Others say it will hurt your plants. I am in the "if it ain't broke, don't fuk with it!" camp :clap:



New Member
I think it's a soil technique used when transplanting root bound plants. Not sure if it would be good or bad in dwc... might try it sometime for myself on a single shit/don't care plant.


Well-Known Member
preciate the advice on the root pruning and yepper, leavin em be. I did do a fim top on em last week, should have pics later dtoda now that I can upload again.


Well-Known Member
Update on my first hydro. WEll so far so good. I have 1 week to go until I put her into flower as I'm trying to run this grow on a 100 day program. In soils the Purple Buddhas of the same and my very first clone 4 yrs ago now i believe, is pretty religious about harvesting at 58-60 days of flower.

These ones I have topped once 3 days ago and seem to be good ridgid stems and huge leaves. I think theyre heade in the right direction.

I think the root mass is looking good at this point. White, clean, and slime free.



Well-Known Member
Okay, so a lil remise on the updates but I cant believe it but this grow has gone without a hitch. been changing out the nutes bout every 9- 10 days adding 0.5 ml 34% H2O4. I didnt throw them into flower until the 28th but I did introduce them to Hps light the last 5 days..., Anyrate, moved them into the flower room on the 29th and did manage to take these pics..


They really do have me liking this system and playin in the water..., I change nutes again sunday and will update again then as I cant believe the growth since these were taken.


Well-Known Member
Another update..., Another week goes buy and things are looking great with the hydro girls. In fact, they are becoming rther dense under the initial canopy and I'm considering pruning out some of these center leave in hopes of helping the bud sites lower get what they need. Root system is amazing. Dense and clean... Heres the pics...



Well-Known Member
I can't believe these plants they are just doing great. good root strucure, thick base lots of foilage and buds emerging everywhere.

Take a look at these girls..,


Really starting the process to leave the soil in the vegtable garden.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
im wondering what your temps are? I see one plant has the leaves cupping up, maybe a sign of too much fan or too hotof a spot, maybe a little root rot?


Well-Known Member
well nizza, good catch. definite hot spots. I'm vertically challenged with 6 1/2' ceilings compounded by the close grouping of my system.


Well-Known Member
Wow I have to agree X, check out these pics of this weeks update. Some under Hps some under camera light. IMGA0793.JPGIMGA0795.JPGIMGA0797.JPGIMGA0801.JPGIMGA0809.JPGIMGA0810.JPGIMGA0812.JPGIMGA0813.JPGIMGA0814.JPG They look fantastic. Buds clear up and solid very tight together. With another 4 weeks of flower to go they should produce amazing colas. with 5 - 8 per plant.