Hydro budding


New Member
I have a 7 week old Tangerine kush plant and im in the first week of flowering.im using a 600 watt orange bulb but is that the right bulb or should i gotwith the blue hps. also how long do u think it would take for me to start seeing a cola top... i dont have pics posted yet im just waiting on feed back


Use a bulb that has 2700 light spectre. It will look yellow / orange when it is on. Continue use until you harvest. Use the "blue light" for your veg state, change to the "orange light" while flowering. Best advice... be patient with the kolas they just don't happen over night.


Well-Known Member
Don't rush it or u will get bad results.first off good to hear ur using a 600. 600 s run at the best bandwidth period next how are growing it what style of hydro? Is there only the one plant? Are U running co2? What are temps humditiy etc. Always remember pics are worth a thousand words.


New Member
Thanks here are some pics of tina aka tangerine dream.. shes two in a half ft tall.. my system is the deep water culture. im just now learning and im not running any co2.. im not even sure how to run that..lol.. but lemme know my girl looks.. i also have 6 clones from herSUSIE 321.jpgSUSIE 324.jpg


Well-Known Member
She looks good u deft need to get in their and trim some of the under growth out. Make sure to keep the light 12 inches away from the top and it looks like a closet ur growing in what is the temp in there? Remember to keep it below 88 degrees otherwise she won't grow stay as close to 80 as possible and u want at least a 8 to 10 degree drop when lights are off. U do these things u will get a nice plant.


New Member
Thanks.. I'm just wondering the time frame on my colas ..: m dong a documentary on deep water culture buy buying materials under 500 bucks.. so far I spent only 3 n I have all the materials n nutes I need for now...