Hydro but Leaves Curling Upward Help Plz


Hey everyone, thanks for taking the opportunity of helping me out here. So here's a little lay down. I'm growing Hawaiian Skunk in a hydro set up (Deep Water Cultivation). Using closed ventaliation system with C02. The issue I'm under going is the leaves are transpiring alot. It's to the point that it looks like a taco. I know they do this by either the light being to close, too much direct wind, or a possible Mg issue. I usually have my 400 watt lamp roughly a foot in a half to two feet away, the temp is ususally 75-80, and I just turned off the fans. Ph level is 5.9 - 6.0, humidity is at 55 but has been increasing due to the transpiration of the plant. The nutrients I'm using is FloraNova which has 1.5% Mg and I just purchased a secondary additive called Cal-Mag which has an additional 1.2% Mg. I'll add some pics at the bottom to see what you guys think and any information would be helpful.


Thanks for the advice I wasn't sure if anyone would even write back and assist me. This is diffenetly frustrating especially cause I"m usually really good with resolving this issue before in the past but these are some stubborn plants. I've raised the light, turned off fans and added the Cal-Mal for a boost of Mg, yet still nothing. I'm trying multiple fans now to see if maybe I can cool it down but it's just strange because it's only a 400w lamp and the temp is between 75-80. So I"ll try the Epsom salt. What is the rule of thumb as far as mixture ratio? I've never had to use Epsom salt before.


Well-Known Member
same issue in my grow journal in my sig, fixed it by taking out my non-oscilating fan and adding a humidifier(55%)

edit: also might be caused by having too hairy of legs, friend.


Yeah I do have a humidifer in there but the plant still transpires and jumps the humidity even higher which I then have to open the tent. For some odd reason they plant is transpiring alot and I have no idea why. I've turned off the fans, nothing. I've added a secondary additive for MG and still nothing, I've raised the lights and yet nothing. I'm not sure what it is. Now inside the bucket which is 14 inches tall the bucket has 5 inch of water and a 3 inch gap for air between water level and the base of the bucket pot lid. I also have a air stone in there that is pumping alot of air could that be the reason? When I remove the plants to change the water i can see in the center air pushing water up in the center just a bit like a hot spring. Now not like in the air like a rocker just a lil camel hump type look. Should i tone that down?