Hydro Grow Yellowing?


New Member
Hey guys, sorry for the repetitive post, I posted something similar under the newb section, but never got a complete answer on what I should do.
I think I over fed my first plant with nutrients, as the bottom leaves of the seedling are beginning to yellow and and brown. The plant gets plenty of water running at about 5.8-6 in a 3 gallon DWC bucket. I decided last night to flush the nutes and just let it flush in some PHd distilled water, but now im starting to see the roots brown a bit, any ideas guys? really don't wanna mess this up my first time around. Heres some pics, I apologize in advance for the garbage quality and having the lights on. Some people suggested in the last post, I just stick to distilled water and some calmag, but will it be necessary once I begin using nutes again?I'm running the GH flora series 3 step kit in distilled water. Any help would be great guys thank you!

Other info:
Lights: 3 1/2 ft away (Mh)
Res: 2/3 full, up to the netpot
Nutrients: GH flora series
Strain: Unknown

Also, It's only browning on the two leaves at the bottom, all new growth and leaves look somewhat healthy.


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
How many air stones are you using and what type of airpump. We once figured how much air per cubic foot of water. It is quite a bit, especially if the roots are entering into the solution for a period exceeding 15 minutes.


New Member
How many air stones are you using and what type of airpump. We once figured how much air per cubic foot of water. It is quite a bit, especially if the roots are entering into the solution for a period exceeding 15 minutes.
I've got two airstones running off an 8 outlet air pump, heres some links:
the other outlets are out of use until my other seedlings come up.


Well-Known Member
Without knowing anything but brown roots in DWC and plant doing poorly...should you not assume root rot and treat for it? Most people use H2O2. Google for instructions and dosages.


New Member
***UPDATE IMG_1028[1].jpgIMG_1029[1].jpgIMG_1030[1].jpg
Alright cool, so just took two days to flush this sucker out, and now I've re-introduced nutrients at 1/4 strength. Roots look a LOT better than before, just don't think theres any hope for those bottom leaves :(. But on the bright side I think I've got her flushed out and ready to start gradually taking in nutes. What do you guys think? Anyone able to give me a diagnosis, nobodys given me a straight answer yet! aha.


Well-Known Member
Your locking out nutrients. your plants not getting the nutrients it needs to grow
make sure everything is in "Range"


Well-Known Member
Hi I just checked online for you and all I've found is that yellowing or rotting roots is irreversible and because you have your plant in rockwool it would make it really hard to get rid of it by cutting the yellowing roots off. I think it's too late unless you cut just at the top of the rockwool and re root your plants.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
As of the update I'd say your on track. The new growth looks good and those first set leaves are unimportant now.
YES, continue to run the Cal/mag all run long till wash..
Once you have 5 true nodes, go to full strength nutes.
Here is a simple method for DWC I like to share.
Once the roots have hit the nutrient solution. Let the solution go down about an inch from the net pot bottom. This is now your solution level to run out the grow with.
As the level of solution goes down you'll need to refill to the target level.
Refill with a 30% nutrient solution ( make a 1/2 gallon of full strength nute solution and add 1 gallon of water. you now have a 30% solution) Add back until the TOTAL amount you've added back is the total amount you need to fill the res. to the target level, and then dump and refill with fresh 100% nutes. Repeat.