Hydro or soil?


I'm new too and at the moment doing hydro so i cant vouch for soil. Hydro is very simple though so far, pretty much just using chemical nutrients and adjusting the ph of the water. I would imagine dealing with soil would be more work especially if doing organic. I would recommend hydro especially if you are growin indoors. It being clean is a major plus imo


Well-Known Member
soil i would say is easier, hydro is more interesting, nothing beats the moment when your roots hit the h20:)

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Get some hydro meds and get some soil meds. Smell, feel and taste them like a critic would at the cannabis cup.
Then ask yourself which one you would want to grow.

I started growing my own meds because I got tired of all the hydro in the area.
It all smells the same, and most of it tastes the same.
I want my meds to look, smell, taste and feel like the strain I'm smoking.


Active Member
The soil grow would be my choice as it's more forgiving of newb mistakes. If you get decent soil to start, and suppress the urge to over water and feed, you should be able to make it work for you. Hydro has less room for error, and it's more time consuming to balance everything. I can water/feed my plants when the soil feels dry, and then just let them alone to grow for a few days until they need another drink. Watching the light level so you don't let growing babies get burned is something everyone has to deal with, no matter the growing medium. Good luck with whichever you choose...