Hydro plants have yellow at the tips of the leaves. Can someone tell me why please?


I'm a noob at growing. I have just recently picked up some small plants in rockwool.
I set up a Hydro setup out of a 18 gallon tank with ne tpots and hydroton clay balls. I'm using an air pump and grow lights. The temp is at 75 steady. I feel like I have covered all my bases. Are my plants getting to much water? Can someone school me please? I don't want my plants to kick the bucket.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Probably a nute deficiency, go look different deficiencies up and see what looks/sounds like your problem


Active Member
Yellow tips is probably from nutrient burn. What are you feeding them and how much? Nutrients don't dissolve when your water does and it can build up in your grow medium as well. Feed under the directed amount and work your way up.


New Member
You really should post pics, not that I could tell, but the ones that could need to see. They could be yellow for a long list of things as I understand. And you will find alot of picks of symptoms both in stickys and postings. G´luck....

(also posted in other thread for FYI)


Hey guys thanks for the responses. I am using some nuts I got from a local hydro store. I'll post pics tonight along with the name of the chemicals I'm using. I'm not growing the plants in my apt so I don't have access to them at the moment.


Ok guys sorry for the wait. Here is the chemicals I am using. The bottle prescribed 1 tablespoon per gallon. The container is an 18 gallon. I added about 9. The chem is called Liquid Karma. Below is a screenshot.


Here are some pics of my plants and what is going on with them. Has anyone had this happen to their plants? Maybe I need to flush my hydro tank of all chemicals and start adding them back in gradually?



Well-Known Member
What you have is nute burn . Yea , you need to flush your system and your roots . Only use your nutes at quarter straigth right now . If your wanting to grow hydro , you need to get you a ph / ppm meter , without them your just pissing into the wind .


Active Member
Yeah, I use Karma as an additive and never very much. Grow/Bloom are the main diets my plants use. Botanicare are good nutes, but their directions are aggressive. Get yourself some Florakleen and run it through your plants and your system and start feeding slowly. I never use Bloom's aggressive flowering dose either, too strong.


Hey Greendude, do you know where on the site or elsewhere is a good place to read up on ph/ ppm meter testing info before I start googleing?


wow lol, I bought the ph kit and it turns out that my ph was 8.5 plus lol. Thanks for the advice. I flushed and left at a ph of 6