hydro questions


Active Member
hey i was wondering because im completely new to this
with a small hydro setup like maybe 2 plants could u use a reptile light to grow them or do u need a special light

and with the ventilation do u really need to ventilate them or can u just use a fan blowing onto the plants would this work.



Well-Known Member
your reptile light alone wont be what the plants need. try some of those twisty cfl bulbs, they come in wattages from 7 - 300+ and can be pretty cheap.

as far as ventalation it depends on where you have them. they need fresh air just like you do so a sealed box wont work, but the corner of a basement would.



Active Member
hey thnxs

i was just looking at drip systems on the net and was wondering also are the drip systems necesarry liek couldnt you just water the plants yourself without having a drip system or any other type of system.


Well-Known Member
There are several types of hydro set ups-I personally like my dwc-water, light, nutes, bubble grow-simple. The reptile light produces uvb light which is supposed to fatten trichs on buds producing more thc. You can use led's, cfl's ,floros, MH, for vegg. During 12/12 flower you can add reptile light for uvb, you need a more red spectrum light.HPS or full spec floros 6500k cfls. Hope this helped. I would research the systems to determine which is best suited for you.


Well-Known Member
I think they are soil growing in that video. They water and have a catch trow under the pots for runoff. Check Mr. Green on u-tube. There are many other links from that on u-tube, search diy -do it your self hydro-builds. Cheepest and easiest is dwc. A tupperware tub, colored, drill holes in lid for pots, couple air stones, air pump, hydroton (or preferred medium) lights,nutes, fans, grow. pretty simple and no messing with pumps nozzles, sprayers ect.


Elite Rolling Society
There is a big difference in what is possible and what is efficeint.

I've seen a skanky, lanky runt grown and psoted here, grown with two 26 watt bulbs and they got one small bud on top and two popcorn buds on the side. Like a 1/20 of an ounce.
If you going to go to the trouble, then get what is efficeint. 10,000 lumens per square foot is what I suggest.


Well-Known Member
My 2 foot 4-bulb T-5 is full spectrum 8000lumen 96w. Have 2 on flowering bute right now. I think noobs question was more the different systems oh, and a uvb light to grow-I would do the research in FAQ here or u-tube offers alot of help on hydro diy builds. Uvb wount help untill you have flowers.