hydro store guy is pissed at me. What should I do?


Well-Known Member
So at the beginning of Dec. I have all this cash to spend on gifts and shit so I decide I want to buy a rain forest 36 6 site aero cloner http://www.hydroponicequipment.com/detail.asp?itemnumber=625 that was $100 so I thought no problem I'll get it from my local hydro store. Well they ended up fucking up the order so it never arrived until close to christmas, well after splrging on xmas gifts, so I knew I was gonna be short on cash for awhile probly close to feb when my weed is done curing. So I go to the store one day to buy some plastic containers and look at the rainforest and I was checking this thing out and after I told him I had no money that really seemed to annoy him and he kept saying shit to me that made me feel even more and more committed to buyit. The problem is is that I didnt realize the thing was a 3.5 gallon res, way to big for my cloning area it turns out. Now Im afraid to go back there unless I fucking buy this thing on the spot. I have to buy some nutes on monday what should I tell him???:wall::dunce:


Well-Known Member
dont commit unless your gonna buy thats just bad business
but if its the wrong one than it wont help you it would help
if you had the money and wanted to get a different one but
your sol on that one... one rule dont piss off the supply shop
or find a different one


be like fuck you dude lol i dont have to buy anything this is america, give me my god damn nutrients or ill buy them online for cheaper probably anyway then walk out. unless your not in america in which case i have no idea dude


Active Member
keep giving him your business, it will sell to someone else, don't buy online , buy local. and to the guy with the suggestion to burn it down, GROW UP!


Well-Known Member
No its all good I live in california and have scripts. Hes pissed cuz he ordered it for me and probly paid $20 and I never made any kind of down payment. Then he most likely has to pay to ship it back. But you guys are right. I spend all my money there so why would he be so pissed. And his nutes are overpriced anyway. I guess I'll go in there and try to explain the situation. The worst thing that can happen is that I change my hydro store. Shitty thing is that is all the way across town.