hydro store ripped me off


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a hydrologic(or so I thought) reverse osmosis system from my hydro store. Upon assembly I realized that the directions were backwards, the system was white and not black and there were no hydrologic labels. I sent a picture of the system to a hydrologic rep and he confirmed my suspicions. I have the receipt and original box. Im wondering what steps I should take next.


Well-Known Member
Simple as what everyone is saying.
As long as you have the receipt, and the product is not what was purchased, you can take it back for a full refund/replacement.
Its the stores fault not your own, the employees should know.


Well-Known Member
Ive had it for 3 weeks and bought the second membrane that was supposed to make it pump 200 gal a day. Ive only been getting about 30g a day and spending another 10 bucks every day (not including gas) driving around filling 5 gal jugs because im not getting enough water to feed my plants from the ro system. I would also like to be compensated for my time, money and energy spent driving around filling up these 5 gal jugs. Am I being reasonable?


Well-Known Member
Sadly no.
You have it for 3 weeks, 3 weeks you knew it wasn't the one you purchased or the wrong model?
3 weeks you held onto it.
3 weeks you didn't contact anyone.

Seems like you are now at fault.
Unless you have e-mails or phone logs with date and time saying I contacted so and so on this day look here and I was awaiting a response at that time.

You would have to make a really good story up, or either have some very very nice employees.

On the other hand though, it all depends on their return policy. Maybe they have a 30 day refund guarantee? I doubt it though.

Personally I would think the following:

You had it and used it for 3 weeks, you got as much water stored somewhere as you can, and now your returning it for a refund because you don't need it. (Stupid, but Im sure people have done it)


Well-Known Member
Thats not true. I was just contacted this morning from the hydrologic rep confirming my suspicion, I didnt know for sure. I need it more than ever. Im frustrated because they lied to me. I went back a week after purchase and asked why im not getting even a quarter of the clean water I was suppossed to get from my system and I was told it was because I have a pre carbon and pre sediment(tall boy) hooked up before the reverse osmosis.


Well-Known Member
I do have emails and phone logs to prove it as well. I dont think anyone should have to put in as much effort to find out if what they purchased from a supposedly reputable store is in fact, what is labeled. I might as well bout it from craigslist or a flea market.


Well-Known Member
If you were in contact than you're good to go, I was only pointing out the scenario if you held it and used it for 3 weeks and didn't even care to contact them till now.


Well-Known Member
never go to a shop unless its an emergency..youll pay 15percent more,and youre more likely to buy a bunch of junk you dont need..online shop..and next time,return items you dont want asap.haste makes waste


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a hydrologic(or so I thought) reverse osmosis system from my hydro store. Upon assembly I realized that the directions were backwards, the system was white and not black and there were no hydrologic labels. I sent a picture of the system to a hydrologic rep and he confirmed my suspicions. I have the receipt and original box. Im wondering what steps I should take next.
Tell them you were sold 'wrong items' which breaks the trade agreement and thus the purchase is 'not fit for purpose' and I guarintee they will refund if you use consumerism knowhow.


Well-Known Member
If you want compensation for all of your loss...you could try small claims court. The hydro store may take it back, but I doubt it after you've used it. Far as volume of output...that's pressure dependent and maybe your water pressure is low. If you need high output, you may have to add a pressure pump.


Well-Known Member
Either way though, you'll get a refund or replacement but don't look to be compensated for your inconveniences unless you plan on taking it to Judge Judy or something.



Well-Known Member
There is a law. Shit man, go in and tell them they are not selling what they claim. My guess is they will refund you quickly if they keep it keeps you quiet. If they give you shit, they know you won't put your name on any official complaint, but you can insinuate how you are part of a grower group and do they really want the bad PR.

All hydro stores are not bad. I have a great one in my town. I buy very little from him. I mix my own soil. use LED, and he doesn't carry dyna gro. So mostly I get pots and shit like that. Guy is honest, helpful, remembers me and in no way gets upset about what I don't from him. And actually, his pots are less expensive and better than home depot, ace, etc.


Well-Known Member
Even if their return policy is just a couple of weeks, that usually applies to legit merchandise. If you come back to them now saying you just realized what the problem is…they should refund your money.