

Well-Known Member
This aint a drug dealing website..............................this is a forum about marijuana.. The plant .....not SELLING fucking pills
Thanks K I don't get it this is a Marijuana site NOT a "lets get f'ed up" and ask for advice on how to be more f'ed up site. I say take all those pill and put them in the toilet. Then go do something productive with your life :wall:


Well-Known Member
hydros aint worth shit, more like 2 dollars. i always seem to find more people trying to give them away then sell them


Active Member
5mg is hydrocodone, 500mg is Tylenol. 6-8/day would be A LOT. You can maybe build up to 8 due to tolerance over time, but the 4g of Tylenol you would be consuming would also be very dangerous at that point. I would think that 2-3 at a time is more than plenty. You will probably feel 1 even. It has a quite euphoric high and consequently the stuff can be very addictive so please be careful. Definitely not like your friendly green.:weed:

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
if you think you gonna make good money on dat then you wrong....i used to deal a lot of shit and pills are just petty shit. you better off takin em yourself or just throwin em away. really though dont fuck wit em one day when i use to pop pills i took 9 of em and thought i was gonna die.


Active Member
Hydrocodone (Thebaine and Codeine) contains Paracetamol (acetaminophen), which when taken with high dosages in the range of around 5-8 pills at a time play havoc on your stomach and your liver, taken any higher of a dosage will start to make your liver fail, while you may feel sick for acouple of hours, the toxins from the Paracetamol is recking havoc on your liver.

Oh it's a great painkiller, but that's about all it is, if you some some opiates, just grow some poppies, cheap and simple to grow.


Well-Known Member
500s have 5mg of hydrocodone in them, the rest is acetaminophen and some other related chemicals. if you have no tolerance take 2-3. don't take too many without a tolerance or you may get nautious and get a horrible pain in your liver (from the apap)


Well-Known Member
if you think you gonna make good money on dat then you wrong....i used to deal a lot of shit and pills are just petty shit. you better off takin em yourself or just throwin em away. really though dont fuck wit em one day when i use to pop pills i took 9 of em and thought i was gonna die.
did you just say selling pills is shit? you must have been getting taxed out the ass. i can get 100 750s for 2.50 a pill and could sell them 4 bucks each all day in bulk EASY, thats already 150 bucks and people buy 10-20 at a time.

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
did you just say selling pills is shit? you must have been getting taxed out the ass. i can get 100 750s for 2.50 a pill and could sell them 4 bucks each all day in bulk EASY, thats already 150 bucks and people buy 10-20 at a time.
naw it just around here they easy to get so they aint worth much...it supply and demand ya digg


Well-Known Member
Yes and this is a thread about OTHER substances so keep your preaching to yourself. Nobody here likes being preached morals. I'm sure we've all experienced that in life with people who are anti marijuana.

If you are really taking them for your foot take whatever your doctor recommended... Duh?


Active Member
yes you can snort them and it will get in your system alot quicker usually like 3-10 minutes for some reason when i take pills by mouth it takes me 4 hours to feel. last year i had surgery and i told my doctor it was taking forever to kick in and he told me to crush it up and make sure there were no hard pieces left and just snort it up lol. anyway i had tons of pills left after the pain was gone and started taking them for fun i was addicted to them for awhile about 5 or 6 months its fun in the beggining but then you have to start taking them to feel normal or else you will feel like you have the flu. in the beginning i was fucked up off of 2 but overtime it took more. whatever you do dont take more than 4 i loved the high that they gave me it made me feel warm and fuzzy and touches felt so good almost like a mild extasy. i hope im not talking anyone into taking them lol but just know that trying to get off of them is hell it takes about 2 weeks of feeling like you have the flu every muscle in your body is sore and your stomach feels like shit. if you do decide to take them for fun after the pain pleaaaaase only do it once in awhile.
also those pills dont sell for much you probably cant get more than 3 or 4 dollars a pill but if you know someone who would buy a whole bottle thats some pretty nice cash


Active Member
ok since this guy is being a complete asshole. ill help you out bro. ok you have 500/5mg hydrocodone right? well that means 500mg of basically tylonol and 5 mg of the actual drug(hydrocodone). they are worth 2.50 - 3.50 a peice. regularly 3 bucks a pill. and he is right. dont get into pills. just sell them when u have them. or only take them for pain and if you can take the pain dont take the pills. also they are a horrible source to get high. you have to take too many. and over 4000mg of tylonol will fuck your liver and kidneys up.


Active Member
i can take 12 of the 5 mg ones and live

the 500 mg u saw is prolly the acetaminophen and the 5 is the hydrocodone

u cant get strate hydrocodone so they mix it with tylenol or advil or something

sell them for like 5 a pop


Well-Known Member
dude i got hooked on percs from my ankle surgery there ok compared to other pills thell make you feel ozzy and light lol try not to get hooked on them


Active Member
i just had surgery and did experiment with 5/325 hydrocodone. The most i took at once was 4 and i didnt feel much more than i did with 2 pills. i didnt get hooked but its obviously easy thing to do. if you do choose to experiment, make sure you tell yourself you wont go any further after the bottle is empty.

Master Kush

Well-Known Member
Yes, well if you look at the other posts there is shit about Poppy's, mushrooms, DMT, ect, ect... If you sell em it's $3-$4 ea. Take 3 for starters to get fucked up, if that doesn't work take 5.


Well-Known Member
that shit helped kill my mother she had a weak liver to start with she had a lobectomy so they pumped her full of that shit dont know the tech terms but it turned her blood toxic coma then death


Well-Known Member
i switched to oxycodone and morphine sulphate as my liver is gone. lol. Now the kids are telling me I am walking around with a few thousand in pills. Lol, i have to laugh i need that shit. But i hear 10 for the morphs and ten for the oxy. I would punch you if ya charged me that much,rofl, i respond.