Hydroganics Grow #1


Well-Known Member
ok so im starting this now, day one, but i cant upload the pics until tomorrow. the pics i did upload, are from yesterday. i have 2 in week 4 of flower, 1 on the 1st day. on my veg side, i have the red cup with 6 seedling in rapid rooters and 4 clones in another cup. think im throwin those away tho, its a shitty strain, and it just makes my count too high. limits 8 where i live. anyways today i put the rooters in 3 inch rockwool cubes and in a cloning tray. soaked the rockwool in bottled water, not gona water for a few. growing mp5k, a hybrid between ak-47x afghani from dr chronic.



Well-Known Member
looks good! keep up the good work.
So if the plants are 4 weeks into flower at what week did you start flowering? just courious..
Also if you dont mind I ask, what kinda nutes are you using?
Your 3rd pic looks like your clearly using soil. I know your topic says hydroponic grow.
my last grow I used 4" rockwool cubes and hydroton expanded clay pellets to fill the gaps in my 6" net pots. I also used techna flora's $20 starter kit for nutes. worked really good for me. I'm just curious on your set up, can you tell me more about it? because your plants look good.


Well-Known Member
ok so first off, the twp biggest ones are mp5k, which is bred to stay short. dont ask me why i ordered those seeds when i have all this room. so i vegged those for two months trying to stretch it, but it wouldnt get any taller. now they come up to about my knee and thats it. im using soil for that grow with foxfarm nutes. tiger bloom, big bloom, grow big and now beastie bloomz. ocean forest soild. this journal is actually for what you see over there in the tray thats just getting started. and that wil be a hydroganics grow, something new to me but im going all out and trying it. its a pot, with a barrier inbetween with perlite on one side, soil on the other. water the perlite side daily, and the soild side like you would soil every 3-4 days. its supposed to work but ive never tried it so thats what ill be keeping you updated on


Well-Known Member
yes i found it hell yes man i am in get this thing going!! i am gonna try this next time i take clones


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, it just seems so logical like why wouldnt it work right? well i used my last 3 good seeds so i better get a female from at least one. only got 2 males out of 8 so far


Well-Known Member
yeah man my thoughts excatly it seems like it will work very well and minizime sapace for me so im gonna do it also i am subscribed for sure and when i take clones next i will start doing it i have what i need besides the rockwool looks badass man and i like your setup man looks good +rep


Well-Known Member
So are you just pouring your nute solution in the tray every day? That might be a pain after awhile. What I did for my last hydro grow was use a 10 gal rubbermaid tub with a small $20 aquarium pump in it. With a tube leading up to the upperflood table. Then just put a over flow tube about 4 inches up on the upper flood table and set the pump on a timer to water them depending on how fast your rockwool drys up. With everything on timers I could have probably left them alone for a week if I wanted to. All I really had to do was flush the reservoir (very important) and move the lights up.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i guess till they show roots from the bottom im going to geed them everyday. im sure as i do more if i like it ill come up with something, ive got timers, im just gonna water it every day i guess


Well-Known Member
ok well i guess just one more. ok so i just put the rockwool cubes in the pots i made. theres already roots coming out of the bottom of the rockwool. just been watering the rockwool evry coupld days when it gets dry. i made the dividers for the pots out of a rubbermade containter, then used silicone caulking to seal the edges and make each side independant of eachother


Well-Known Member
i hope so because i just used my last three good seeds i ordered from dr chronic. and with my succes rate at cloning, these prolly will be the last ones unless i can get these to clone.


Well-Known Member
ah dont worry bud im sure it will go wonderful and u are having trouble cloning? how are you doing it and what are u putting them in the medium, are you using rooting gel/powder? are you using a humidity dome or spraying with water what where the temps?