Hydrogen Peroxide Is Great


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say... hydrogen peroxide is dope as hell. Some of my plants were having rootzone issues in soil and I just could not get them to bounce back (probably overwatered followed by underwatered because I over compensated). Watered with 3 1/2 tbsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide and they came right back to life over night. 2 days later and they're back to a normal feeding schedule.

I know someones gonna say "but it kills the rhyzo..." and to that I say: shut up nerd.

So if you just can't figure out whats going on for days and your plants are looking sad, I say just go for it.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say... hydrogen peroxide is dope as hell. Some of my plants were having rootzone issues in soil and I just could not get them to bounce back (probably overwatered followed by underwatered because I over compensated). Watered with 3 1/2 tbsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide and they came right back to life over night. 2 days later and they're back to a normal feeding schedule.

I know someones gonna say "but it kills the rhyzo..." and to that I say: shut up nerd.

So if you just can't figure out whats going on for days and your plants are looking sad, I say just go for it.
it hsas many many uses


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say... hydrogen peroxide is dope as hell. Some of my plants were having rootzone issues in soil and I just could not get them to bounce back (probably overwatered followed by underwatered because I over compensated). Watered with 3 1/2 tbsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide and they came right back to life over night. 2 days later and they're back to a normal feeding schedule.

I know someones gonna say "but it kills the rhyzo..." and to that I say: shut up nerd.

So if you just can't figure out whats going on for days and your plants are looking sad, I say just go for it.
Works incredibly well against fungus gnats. Got some clones from someone who didn't know he had them himself. I completely drench the medium in a 1:4 mixture of water, few days later, gnats gone! Not entirely sure what it is about the peroxide killing bugs, but it definitely worked. Told the guy I got the cuts from and he did the same. No more bug problems for his as well.