Hydrogen Peroxide

So I was wondering if anyone else adds 2 cap fulls of hydrogen peroxide into the soil after watering to help get oxygen to the roots? I'm not sure if it helps or not because i've always done it. It supposedly helps against overwatering in soil and root rot for hydro. So am I the only that does this?


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of people doing it, but a little bit differently than how you're delivering it. What Ive read up is adding H2O2 to the water so that the extra oxygen breaks off of the H2O2 more readily or quickly. Usually even less than one cap full per gallon, and then letting the gallon sit out for like 30 minutes to an hour before watering. I wouldn't recommend adding H202 straight to the roots like that. Think about it. H2O2 is used to kill bacteria, good or bad. Your plants need lots and lots of bacteria to help keep the soil healthy. Just throwing it into the soil is the same thing as having a cut and throwing H2O2 on it to kill the bacteria and you get that nice sting. Who knows, maybe it stings for them too.


Well-Known Member
Look up Spanish Water. There is an article on the web about a guy who's Grandpa would give H2O2 water to Orange trees when they seemed unhappy. I have some blackberry bushes that are in the shade of a wall for half the year and the soil gets very mucky over the winter. I gave them some H2O2 to make sure there was O2 in the dirt so the roots would be happy. Seems to work :)