HydroGP´s 600w Hobby - Growlog?


Well-Known Member
Thank you Jig.
I have this song on my mind and i just wanna dance around. Funny i just searched youtube and apparently im not the only one who wants to dance to this :) 24h video of different people dancing to this song. Great job :)
On another note, lol. I say something and next day its just opposite. I found 2 seeds on my SnowLAnd where i jizzed it with the Dog. Also found 1 seed on my dog :) So i think when i find the branch i pollinated on the lemon skunk i will find s33ds there too.
Awesome! Just great :) Clap along if you know what happiness is to you!
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Editor works ;) :clap:


Well-Known Member
Hydro, you are my source for new music (new to me)... never heard that song before, but like you it makes me want to dance. I love it.

Hope you having a good day mate.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Okay so here goes. First of, haha on me. Talking bout dog balls in jigs thread. I kept a few because they turned out female. Did not amount to much tho. But then i thought i would take a picture to show, and it has changed very much lol. Little hermie flower.
Guess ill have some s33ds ;) Dont see any signs of s33ds on my lemon skunk or SnowLAnd even though i rubbed what i thought to be dog jizz..
Was gonna do the chop on my Lemon Skunk tomorrow, but as she is a re-veg monster she's got alot of buds. Many of them have not gotten much light as the tops took it. So ill harvest partially tomorrow and leave the rest for a week.

Dogs1 ballsack turned hermie.
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Lemon Skunk.
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Dwc Dog S1
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Soil S1
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Soil bx2
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dem buds are stacking frost big time! BUMP!!!

that dog S1 looks like it's going to be a sativa monster :hump:


Well-Known Member
True but thats more like pills and speed, lol. Ive been on a sweep team trying to hit the jackpot from a tale. Stupid. But then again a friend of mine dug up his garden to find whats equal to 10000 pounds in old danish bills lol. Lucky mofo
Buds are looking nice. About 5 years ago I was at a festy and a bottle of acid opened in my pocket. This tripped me the fuck out, and I had over a 1/2 kilo of blow on me. Every time I'd see a dog I thought they where drug dogs and under-covered cops. I went and hid my drugs and couldn't find them when I finally came down. I told every hippy I knew this story and nobody believed me. I even gave general directions to where I thought it was. 6 months later there's another festy at the same location. 2 days into the festy 1 of my friends shows up at my camp site with a bag of wet blow. He actually spent the whole 2 days looking for it and found it.


Well-Known Member
Haha damn jimmer. Thats pretty crazy ½kilo is alot of money. Guess the m8 should have a good finders fee :)

On a not so great note my soil dog is just looking worse and worse. I think ill take it down tomorrow. If i let it go longer the crispy leaves will be entering the buds :/ Strange i can grow all sorts of hydro but soil aint my strong medium :)
Smoking on some lemon skunk with snowland iso :)


Well-Known Member
I was always in soil then i tried hydro
and haven't looked back. I do prefer
soil though. I think it tastes better and
I've had some really pretty and colourful
plants in soil that i just haven't matched
in nft. I haven't got any pics left so
you'll have take my word for it.
The yields you get in nft are worth losing
the looks for though.


Well-Known Member
I was always in soil then i tried hydro
and haven't looked back. I do prefer
soil though. I think it tastes better and
I've had some really pretty and colourful
plants in soil that i just haven't matched
in nft. I haven't got any pics left so
you'll have take my word for it.
The yields you get in nft are worth losing
the looks for though.


Well-Known Member
Well i have the bx2 in soil also and its not all bad i think it will look good and cant wait to try out some organic soil. But that being said yield is so small i will have smoked this plant in a week..
I dont understand that most grow books and grow information states that hydro is advanced and difficult.
Would love to try nft one day. But i recon it will likely be as dwc? Have you grown dwc? So freakin easy airstone and airpump. done :)


Well-Known Member
No I've not done anything else hydro wise.
I started hand feeding in soil and clay pebbles
then i used the same medium but used
autopots with pretty good results so i stuck
with the autopots for a while.
Then i shut down for quite a while and when
i started again i thought i would give nft a go
coz i had to buy new stuff. It is cheaper coz
there is no medium apart from a few four
inch blocks


Well-Known Member
Hydro the friend got to keep it all. Thats why I told every one so it wouldn't go to waste. It took me till I went to prison to make it up. Believe me it was spread to every one I knew that wanted. I don't miss it at all. All I want now is to smoke the best weed possible and the occasional trip. Cocaine is why I say pot is my NA. And pot like whats in this thread would be one hell of a NA.peace.


Well-Known Member
Haha, that's my thinking. I have the best fucking AA meeting in the world... held daily in my closet. :)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Any updates lol are you running organic dwc if so what abf how you doing it...im making the switch..


Well-Known Member
yEah plenty to update m8 :) But im so lazy atm.
Like most things i just dive in head first. So its still a learning experience with the organics. Lots of things have changed over mineral nutes. Like the ability to measure with ec pen- Might actually run 3 ec when it says 2. Cause the pen cant measure salts and minerals that arent there yet. I make a res change every 21.days(Yeah crazy, but it works) and just top of with water and a small amount of feed in between.
Never had a plant look as beautiful and healthy as the dog imo. So cant be all bad :)


New Member
I just have a quick question. I've been reading allot about ultra lemon haze and their saying its not really an auto. That it needs 12/12. I'm growing ultra lemon haze with other strains also. Is it an auto ... Can it stay on the same light schedule as my others??


Well-Known Member
How many hours do you plan on running- Your right its not autoflowering with more than 16hours of light. But it will produce even with 12/12. Nice smoke!


Well-Known Member
Status :)
Goji Og
Lemon Skunk-(First night of 12/12)
DogS1- 4.
DogBx2- 2
Lemon Skunk- 14.
Bubba Kush- 2.
Violator Kush
Hawaian Snow
Chocolate Heaven
White Widow
Goji Og- 2.
Cindy99 (Danish grower outside cross)
Blueberry (Danish grower outside cross)
Pineapple Chunk
Bubba Kush
Lemon Skunk- 4.
Hawaian Snow- 1.