HydroHut Ebb n Flow tons of pics


Active Member
I had mine under my 400W MH bulb from day 1. Before they even came out of the cubes. I was told at first to keep the light about 2-3 feet away, and I have 2 great plants, and 1 that stretched.. But then I read that you put the light close enough to where you don't feel the heat with your hand at the top of the plants.

I also didn't, and heard you shouldn't put them into your hydro system until they develop a little more.. It was about 2 weeks of 24/0 under the MH before I moved them into my hydro system..

Hope that helps...


Well-Known Member
thanks so much for the reply man im gonna put them under the light now on 18/6 they seem like they are streching too much under the floros Im gonna have the light about 3 feet away then love it closer whats they are established thanks man


Active Member
Looking nice for 5 days.
Hydro is way to go for quick growing. I have used the Drip method but never ebb n flow. I am 7 days into a ghetto soil experiment and mine are far from looking like your babies. good job. I would agree with the last post that you should lower your lights, unless you like your ladies tall.:hump:
Not trying to diss MH or HPS < They work awsome > but what I have seen latley in some gardens is that CFL's work wonders for vegging. There not near as hot as MH or HPS.And you can keep them close to prevent stretching, they are cheap to run 18 on 6 off keeps the bill down,and with the (cool white) (warm white) combo the plants veg nice and juicy. Technology is here to help us:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks man so you think it will be ok to lower my lights a little i dont want to burn them also i havent even put them in the real system yet im just watering them with distilled water im gonna start feeding them nuts in about 5 days like the 10th day


Active Member
no nutes til after the 3rd week,then 1/4 <weak>solution at first. This is what I have been told by some old timers and I have also read this on here a few times.They will grow stronger growing naturally for the first stages.

No experience vegging with MH or HPS so I do not really know how close to have them.But it looks like you could lower them a bit with no prob.<dont quote me on that one> All I know about that stage With CFL's you can put them 1to3 inches from the plant solving the stretching phenom. Someone else with the experience may help you with that Q.

also I read you have been checking the ph and soforth. I just want to add that I was using distilled water as well . ph 6 . I ran out so bought another brand, didnt check the ph at first but a day later when I did it was @ 8 !. so u can never be to sure even with bottled water.


Well-Known Member
thanks man i just got a tds meter and my regular distilled water i changed the water today im getting a reding of 58 ppm is that normal or do you think thats off there is 10 gal in the res


Well-Known Member
well all them are doing good except for one it streched so i removed it. @ white widows are looking nice, short and stocky whydo some have nice thick roots and stay short and others have thin stems and grow very tall is it genetics?

Im sprouting 5 more northern lights just so i can try to get some short stocky plants. Any sug


Well-Known Member
I might have missed something because I just scimmed over the thread, but did you ever consider using individual pots for each plant? It will give you a lot more flexibility to move plants around to different spots on the tray. For isntance if one plant grows real tall you can move it out to the side so the shorter ones can be directly under the light etc... Also, if you end up getting a male, it will be much easier to remove.

It might not be too late to make the switch judging by the size and age of those plants.... just a thought...


Active Member
yeah, I have to agree with above poster. I would consider getting some net pots and transplant those beauts. look at the pics, you have a what? 3x3 table? should be able to keep about 9 well spaced plants growin' to maturity. looking good!