Hydroponic newbie help


Well-Known Member
I use tap water....and hydroton rocks.

I dont know about anything other than hydroton or lava rocks.

I keep it simple. :mrgreen:

But if you bought them from the hydro shop you should be fine. Whatever kind they are....rinse them well before using.


Well-Known Member
yea well these stones i bought from the hydro store dont do anything to ph and and sterile all the time. so they guy was like hay try them out. Plus since i go in there all the time hes givng me a discount on some nutrient starter kit for 30 bucks tht comes with a bunch of shit and some cloning stuff. let me search the internet real quick and ill show u a pic


Well-Known Member
Looks like good stuff. Just give em a good rinse before use. PH Stable will help do just that....help keep your ph stable. That doesnt mean that your ph wont be changing.

It just wont be caused my your grow rocks.

Im not too familiar with those nutrients personally. But others on this site use it. They can help with your nute questions.

I use General Hydroponics nutrients.


Well-Known Member
alright btw did u just cut a hold in ur bucket lid for the net pot, or did u use another bucket inside of a bucket, saw it at hydrostore. and if i get white buckets, should spray paint them black or something?
my final question for tonight until 2moro!


Well-Known Member
5 gallon bucket
10" net bucket lid

I poked holes on either side at the top of the buckets and fed airlines thru holes. attached 2 6" airstones. to the lines and placed airstones in buckets.

Your shop SHOULD have black buckets. Dont get white. Dark colors are what you need. The darker the better.

They also have 6" mesh pots that fit on top 5 gal buckets that require less rocks to fill. And helps keep more light out of your res.



Well-Known Member
one more question, when u change that , do u just lift that net cup right out and put it on another bucket with nutes and water ready to go


Well-Known Member
before you go using a bunch of ph adjust chems, make sure to let your nutes cycle for a bit. Most nutes are adjusted for hydro(if you buy hydro nutes) and will "self adjust" within about 30 minutes. That is if you do it correct.

When i have a problem with plants i just tell myself KISS....Keep It Simple, Stupid.

P.S. Ive been following this thread for a few days now, with all this info we expect AWESOME results and tons of pics.


Well-Known Member
before you go using a bunch of ph adjust chems, make sure to let your nutes cycle for a bit. Most nutes are adjusted for hydro(if you buy hydro nutes) and will "self adjust" within about 30 minutes. That is if you do it correct.

When i have a problem with plants i just tell myself KISS....Keep It Simple, Stupid.

P.S. Ive been following this thread for a few days now, with all this info we expect AWESOME results and tons of pics.
yep! i've been following too and wish i could rep BSiv2.0 again so soon - he is a saint.


Well-Known Member
Airpump #1 I use the one thats dual airline for 30-60 gal. Got mine from Walmart though.


I wouldnt waste the $ getting a pump from a hydro shop. My walmart pump was $20. $2 air line 2- $1 airstones.

I have to find the thread where a guy just went to Pet smart and tested the pump I showed with another one. He said the other one was much quiter by far. I just cant remember which brand of pump he said. I'll look for it.

RIU member's comparison Much appreciated, JohnnyBravo!

Thanks, LoudBlunts for showing me how to link to a single post. Saves a reader time...Keeps the screen clean. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
another important question, when ur moving ur plants from one bucket to another, do u do anything special, like turn the lights off or something??????????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
another important question, when ur moving ur plants from one bucket to another, do u do anything special, like turn the lights off or something??????????????????????????????
No need to do anything like that. Just work with your plants during lights on time.


Well-Known Member
some guys said something about when he was moving them and light hit his plants roots and somethign bad happend.


Well-Known Member
How long does it take to move a bucket lid from one bucket to another? 1.5 seconds. It wasnt somoething as small as that that gave him root problems.

Light is bad for roots. But not that small amount of light. More than likely it was light getting into his res continuously causing algae/rootslime etc.