hydroponic rooting


Active Member
so right now i have my seedling rooting in my hydroponics and it seems it cant get it self through the clay stones as the medium i am using if i give it more time will it get through?


Active Member
im useing the clay rock medium there brownish i forgot what they are called Hydroton i think?
I'm still a little confused. You have the seedling put straight into the hydroton pebbles?
It should have been in something like this:
....and then put into the hydroton.


Active Member
im to poor to afford rockroll ATM so yea its a straight seedling into hydroton something like this....2011-08-319519.54.43.jpg


Active Member
5 bucks would buy me a thing of oatmeal that would feed me for a week bro and i have no local hydroponics store near me the nearest one is a 20min drive away.
All you can do is give it more time really, unless you can get some peat pellets to trasnsfer it into. Either way be very gentle with it.


New Member
The hydroton just gives the roots something to wrap around. Occasionally they'll penetrate through some though. Doing it with just hydroton sounds like a hit or miss thing. At least with rockwool you got some absorption of water that'll hold for a few days.