Hydroponics plant won't grow

Joshie D

I have a plant that has been in my waterfarm for about 5 days now and hasnt shown any sign of growing??

It hasnt died its as green as when I put it in there but it just doesn't grow...This is the second plant that has done this

I use the GH flora nutes and I placed my plant in there when the root stem was about 7 inches long. I just placed it in the hydroton I didnt use any rockwool cubes or anything

Can you plant them that way or do i need rockwool cubes


No rockwool is nessacery it will grow just fine with out it. Sound like your plant is stressed just leave it alone and give it time to heal good luck....


Active Member
I transplanted into dwc from soil at day 10 and it didn't grow for 2 weeks. Then it took off like crazy once new roots formed. Patience

Oh and the only thing in the mesh pot is hydroton


Active Member
Leaving it in the hydroton is fine. As other's have mentioned, she is probably in shock. Plants will sometimes go into perma-shock but i have only seen this happen twice. Be gentle with her and she should be fine.


New Member
Don't leave your hydrofarm dripping constantly. Maybe have it on 3 times a day for 30 min when the plants are young.