Well-Known Member
Either way will work both media's have positive and negative attributes. Hydroton will need to be flooded more often but if you get the schedule right it will provide superior rootzone aeration. Rockwool and hydroton are also compatible with H202 Coco coir is not. Large rockwool blocks will hold more water for longer periods requiring them to be flooded less often. Coco coir provides superior air/water ratio and is near impossible to overwater. The organic material will often break off and clog up pumps in a flood gunna be using a hydrofarm megagarden. i wanted to know how i should have them in my tray. in pots with rock wool and hydroton or just big 4"x4" rockwool blocks just in the tray, till the roots get too big and i would put them on coco slabs
Hydroton in pots will also allow you to move your plants around and prevent root entanglement. With coir and large block you can achieve higher plant density if you are going for a SOG.
So it is really dependent on your style, personal preferences and what you are comfortable with. Good luck!