
My rdwc waiting for the silicone to dry so i can test it im not really sure how ima drain it when it's time to clean my buckets and change my res if you see anything missing lemme kno View attachment 3733428 View attachment 3733429
Any light that hits that clear pipe is going to grow algae in it. Switch it to black. Also, you can get unions and place them in between each of your buckets. (cut the pipe and glue on union) With a simple screw-on, screw off you can manipulate the buckets for cleaning.
Any light that hits that clear pipe is going to grow algae in it. Switch it to black. Also, you can get unions and place them in between each of your buckets. (cut the pipe and glue on union) With a simple screw-on, screw off you can manipulate the buckets for cleaning.

Jersey hasn't been seen in a while. And he gave up on his hydro grow but his soil grow went good. He has a lot of videos on YouTube if you want the channel let me know.
You will have to be more specific, there's lots of general information on this site and others..
Like how do begin germination, how much nutrients to begin with, how long to run my LED lights. I will be running a 5 gal DWC bucket, with clay pellet medium. I will be using Micro nutrients and rockwool to start. I am planning to start blue pyramid auto.
Like how do begin germination, how much nutrients to begin with, how long to run my LED lights. I will be running a 5 gal DWC bucket, with clay pellet medium. I will be using Micro nutrients and rockwool to start. I am planning to start blue pyramid auto.

first thing with dwc you need to keep your water chilled. 65 to 68 degrees. if you can't buy a 300 dollar chiller I wouldn't do dwc. especially if its your first time. stick with soil.
an auto will flip to flower as soon as you ran into your first problem (which you most definitely will) and you will yield nothing.. plant it in a 5 gallon air pot and stick with organic.
Like how do begin germination, how much nutrients to begin with, how long to run my LED lights. I will be running a 5 gal DWC bucket, with clay pellet medium. I will be using Micro nutrients and rockwool to start. I am planning to start blue pyramid auto.

Like @Purpsmagurps said a chiller is preferred or your asking for trouble.

However I have grown several big beautiful photo strains with out a problem ( also have had a few that was unsuccessful ) . I prefer dirt, it is slower but easier.

I don't use rockwool so I can't help you there. I love root roit cubes, I use them for soil, dwc, seeds and clones.

So I only grow for 9 months I don't even try to grow during the summer it's just too damn hot and I don't have to with a successful winter grow.

Here is what I have had success with.
1. I use two buckets and rotate ever week, same lid.
2 .fresh water and nukes. I condition my nukes for four or five days .
3 .clean the bucket between each cycle.

I use fox farm nukes because I can get them local and it's 6 hours round-trip to the hydro store. So I use whats covenant for me. To condition my nukes I put three gallons of ro water in a bucket and then I add ( with a aeration stone running 24/7 in both buckets )
1 . Grow big let set for 12/24 hours
2. Cal/mag 12/24 hours
3. Big bloom 12/24 hours
4. Tiger bloom 12 hours
5. H2O2 12 hours
6. PH up/down

This is just an example, you have to know and adjust for
1. Age of plant
2. Possible plant issues/needs
3. Environment
And so much more.

Read some info on hydro and make sure you can at least maintain the minimum requirements or it will never happen.
Good luck
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I was planning for a single bubble bucket grow but since I ordered a water chiller which requires a pump should I opt for a reservoir. If I did a reservoir would I still need a second pump or could the chiller outlet feed it?

My plant will be moved daily from inside my storage house(grow tent in there) to right outside of it(under the hawaiian sun)roughly 6 feet of movement and will flower outside..

I figure my reservoir could remain stationary inside my storage house and I could just move my bucket maybe with long return hoses or quick disconnects...

Or is all of that too complicated and I should just use a single bubble bucket with a inlet and outlet for the chiller? I might be overthinking this, I just thought a stationary reservoir would be easier to do everything being the chiller would be right next to it but for a single bucket not worth it...
how many airstones would i need in a 100L res to keep it properly oxygenated and whats the lowest amount one could use
how many airstones would i need in a 100L res to keep it properly oxygenated and whats the lowest amount one could use

NONE! Get a small water pump (with a venturi), put it on a timer let it run ~ 10-15 minutes then pause ~ 30 minutes, repeat 24/7
Do you guys think I’m better off going with a floraflex system or a nutrient film technique (nft) for growing autoflowers?
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Honestly for air put as much to the point of almost breaking roots, for a single site you need to drain into a spare reservoir, use 1.5 inch uni seals minimum for the pvc return tube, you can aerate the res to fuckall then pump oxygenated water in or do it based on how small you can get the bubbles in the water.
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