
Hi all new to this site nice to meet u all. I have currently purchased a wilma xl 4 and have a it of a n b canna coco left and just started some nice lil lady's off was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on growing in coco on hydro. Thanks
I can say make sure to use a ml or 2 of cal mag per gallon of water/solution and that will help keep them from a deficient state, good luck and have fun!!
Anyone use the GH Eurogardener? I got one super cheap and it's going to be my first hydro effort after my soil is finished up.
I recently decided I was going to use a 3ft hydroponic grow box that I saw on unique hydroponicgrowbox webisite and had questions if anyone has ever used one for auto flowering seeds. Any help is appreciated!
Whats up y'all newb here. I have a 12 bucket rdwc bubble ponics with 25 gallon rez, question is do I need to hook up the air or water pump to a timer which is connected to surge protector?? Or do I let it run continuously??
Whats up y'all newb here. I have a 12 bucket rdwc bubble ponics with 25 gallon rez, question is do I need to hook up the air or water pump to a timer which is connected to surge protector?? Or do I let it run continuously??

You always want air pumping into your nutrient solution. Always!
Hey potroast. My flood and drain table has a foam raft sitting on top of it with 5 inch netpots hanging down into the table. My fixed overflow won't allow the water to go any higher than the bottom of the netpot. I am using hydro clay with rapid rooters in TheM for seedlings. Been having to hand water through the top to keep the rooters moist. Roots are beginning to come out of the bottoms of the netpots. My question is, should I be able to stop hand watering the rooters once decent roots are established into the tray below the overflow? Thanks man
Does anybody have a chart that tells what you should use for plants with all the brands on the market with GH stuff what can you use and what can't you use together?
Does anybody have a chart that tells what you should use for plants with all the brands on the market with GH stuff what can you use and what can't you use together?
Gh & their feed charts have been really hot for my waterfarms I'm cutting them in 1/2 & still borderline over feeding using the gh 3-part flora nutes&addatives & their simple recirculating chart
Gh & their feed charts have been really hot for my waterfarms I'm cutting them in 1/2 & still borderline over feeding using the gh 3-part flora nutes&addatives & their simple recirculating chart

Man I am witnessing sweettooth out of control using their feeding chart to the T in a RWDC its outrageous!!
Man I am witnessing sweettooth out of control using their feeding chart to the T in a RWDC its outrageous!!
I didn't explain my plants are small & ive only made it to the seedling & early growth when I mix a batch my ppm. ends up roughly double what they call for been using this schedule for quite awhile in e&f without problems didn't even use a tds meter so these waterfarms & their care & feeding has been a learning experience for me
With timed dripper systems and flood & drain systems does the medium ever get dry? I ask because my reading suggests that cannabis medium should get dry between waterings. At least that's my perception of the information. But if there is simply a timer and no micro-management of the grow it would seem that the soil is likely to be always wet. Soil that's always wet = overwatering, which we all know is "bad."

Please help me with this apparent contradiction. Thanks.