HYDROTON, OR 6" Rockwool?? Which Do You Prefer?


Well-Known Member
im trying to decide between the two, its going to be a flow and drain system but top fed, let me know your opinion on what i should use

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Both together. One goes with the other. Don't forget the lava rock. I cut my rockwool in 2"x2" it looks like it is about 3" deep. I clone in rockwool. Rockwool has a top and a side that is mean't to be the bottom. Don't confuse one side(the top) with the other(the bottom).


Can anybody who helped out Brandon tell me if its okay to put the rockwool into a net pot with hydroton on top for the life of the plant? Or should the plant be taken out of the rockwool and put into only hydroton?


Well-Known Member
Can anybody who helped out Brandon tell me if its okay to put the rockwool into a net pot with hydroton on top for the life of the plant? Or should the plant be taken out of the rockwool and put into only hydroton?
You can start your plants in the rockwool then just sit the rockwool in hydroton and cover it up...if ya try to remove the rockwool you will tear roots apart if the plant has been in the rockwool long enough......which is not good...it depends though on what type of set up you have ...some people that run aero like to start their seedlings in the smallest rockwool cubes until the tap root pokes through the bottom then remove the seedling by tearing the rockwool apart......no damage is done to the roots since they havent really developed yet.....

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I plant them when the table is flooded, I put them between my hands and after they're in far enough I take my hands out and push the rock all flat again, about .5" under the top of the rock, to the top of the rockwell cube. About a layer or two of rock to cover up your rockwool. 6"-8" of rock.
the plant when it gets larger will just tear the rockwool in pieces which is a good thing.

this gal is in rockwool and hydroton covering her tender parts.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool in a ebb/flow (flood/drain) set up will work, but you are going to have a harder time dialing in your watering times. Rockwool stays wet for a long time. its really easy to get stem rot if your not on top of it. Even if you start your cuttings in too big of a rockwool cube and then put it in net pots with hydroton, there is still that chunk of rockwool keeping the base of your stem wet all the time. I think the easiest way is to get/make your clones bare root from a cloner machine, then put them in net pots with hydroton. I have my table flood 4 times while the lights are on and thats it. The medium has time to dry between waterings so I dont have to worry about stem/root rot. In your case BRANDON T with a top feed system with drippers or dripper rings around the plants rockwool should be fine. you will only have to water every other day or so (give or take 1 day lol) but like i said before, watch out for too much moisture and stem rot. If you use net pots with hydroton you will have your pump running ALOT more often to water. And Hydroton is a pain in the ass to clean the roots out of when you reuse it. I have a 4x4 tray filled with 6-8" of hydroton (4 bags) that i have 12 plants worth of roots to clean out 1 handful at a time. Its a pain. Rockwool you just throw away.


Thanks guys I really appreciate the help, ill probably use root plugs next time or perhaps get some neoprene collars and just plant the seeds into those. But now that I am pretty much stuck with the rockwool I'll play with the watering cycles and hope for no rot.


Well-Known Member
6" rockwool cubes are kinda large and getting rid of bud waste is always annoying.
I also see many people who leave their rockwool exposed to light and it ends up
growing algae on it. If you use rockwool at least cover it up so this doesn't happen.

I like to use hydroton as it's reusable after a good cleaning, and lasts pretty much

I've been curious to try out some of those "Sure to grow" plugs. I haven't really seen
much on them but they look like they could be a good, but more expensive alternative.


Well-Known Member
ya that is another thing. (good point disposition84) If your goin big, your gonna have a truck load of rockwool to get rid of after a few rounds. I live in the sticks so i just bury or burn my growing waste. And what ever you use, cover the root zone from light. I have panda film over the top of my trays and the plants just grow up through little slits i made in the panda.