Hymalaya Blue Diesel, Bubblelicious, La Diva


First grow CFL Hymalaya Blue Diesel, La Diva and Bubbleliscious
:leaf:This is my first grow and i descided to go with autoflowers. I have 2 regular plants, Blue Cheese, going on a month and a half under a 1000w hps light! i have topped one of them and we are letting them veg...
Back to this grow,
-regular cardboard box, but the inside is white, box came like that, cut it up and made it to size i needed.

-(3) , 60w cfl lights (i have a 4th as u can see a hole for it) and 2 (100)w cfl lights(middle), which i have read nothing but good outcomes about, and use much less energy.
-(1) computer fan i wired to a regullar wall plug its 240v, i've got one hole on the bottom of the box on each side air in air out.(La Diva)

Buddz: Deliscious's La Diva, Nirvana's Bubbleliscious, and Short Stuff's Hymalaya Blue Diesel

These are autoflowering plants so they dont ansolutely need crazy lights. I ordered the seeds from www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com , it took about 2 weeks to receive, and all 3 germinated within 2 days, the bubble and bludeisel wrer on the first day so i pplanted them, La Diva took 2 days before i planted. They all sprouted within 3 days. right now im on about a week and a half in pots. im giving them 24hrs of light. They seem to be growing nice. I used an Indoor Exotic Plants potting soil and am nourishing them with bottled water. after anotherr week I am going to start adding nutrients. I want all natural and dont want to put any chemicals into them, if anyone has any comments or suggestions please state em... i heard of bat guano or iguana juice?? . Ill be updating every now and then with pictures if theres anyone who seems interested!.!.
Take it ez guys:clap::leaf::weed::wall::fire:

In the pics the La Diva is all the way on the LEFT, Hymalaya Blue Diessel middle and Bubblelicious on the right
Hymalaya on the left and Bubble on the right​


about to transplant them, now has been 4 days since last pics, i just bought some nutrients for the last of the 'veg state, and i got some Iguana juice bloom formula for the flowering which shouldnt be in too long at the rate these are growing, we are now up to date in the journal and i will post pics tomorrow of how they look in their new pots
Nice grow Bruno! I am currently growing some Bubblelicious and La Diva autos myself. They are about 3.5 weeks old, they will be 4 weeks old this Saturday. I m using the Iguana Juice Grow and Bloom too. It is insane the difference it has made since I added this to my soil. You will be very very happy you got this, trust me. I am confused. You have two grows? One under 1000 watt HPS and then these under 100 watt CFL's? They are looking very healthy. Great job man!


thanks man, how is your bubble ,tall, bushy? mine have been potted for about a month and hymalaya and la diva have hairs growing all over the place, but the bubble i see like 3 hairs where the crown nug would be, but at other joints on the stem there looks to be green nodes growing out, i hope its not a hermie :s do you have a thread or pic? post it up here in the journal, keep in touch im going to start flowering in a few days with the iguana bloom


Update: 10 november

Ok first of all everything is going well, exepct my old ghetto grow box is falling appart! Oh ya and the bubble grew into the light :s fourtunetly it wasnt there long enough to get burned leafs, or a sunburn :finger:, so i tried to raise the box up and its so unsturdy i decided to make a new box, and it turned out really well
check it out, think logical: Logitek lol

DSCF0369.jpgDSCF0365.jpgDSCF0366.jpg i changed my babies around again, front to back, hymalaya, La Diva, and in the back is my Bubble, starting to really see hairs at this point on Diva and Hymalaya, about 2 or 3 little noticible hairs on the bubble as well, Flowering in a few days baby, i amd using cool white cfls i am going to change all(4x60w, and 2x100w) bulbs to 6 100w dim white cfls to mimmick the darker days, i have yet to decide if i should go 12/12, ive read you can flower at 16/8, 18/6 even 20/4 with autoflowers so im not sure, any ideas??????????:leaf:


Today was a good day, the Canadiens beat the Bruins 3-1, for those who dont know what im talking about is the greatest rivalry in the NHL (hockey) anyways back to buisness, some new clearer pics, DSCF0371.jpgHymalayaDSCF0373.jpgLa DivaDSCF0370.jpgLa Diva starting to bud at top, see some hairs DSCF0372.jpg and my bubble, the biggest of all 3


Yes I have 2 blue cheese plants at a friends under the 1000w hps i thought i had uploaded pics, these are old, ill get new ones 33706_445692057220_507007220_5064952_3284524_n.jpg
i have yet to decide if i should go 12/12, ive read you can flower at 16/8, 18/6 even 20/4 with autoflowers so im not sure, any ideas??????????:leaf:
I would stick with 20/4 it seems to be the best number for optimum grow with autos as reported by growers and the breeders, so I would stick with that. However if for any number of reasons you need a longer period of dark, I would consider 18/6 to be there bare minimum one could go and still expect adequate returns in flowers. This is my first time as well, so I can only aid in what I know first hand over these few short weeks and then what I have read over the last six months. I am learning as I go if it is accurate or not, regardless I have had mine under 20/4 from seed and they are doing very well. Hope this helps.
thanks man, how is your bubble ,tall, bushy? mine have been potted for about a month and hymalaya and la diva have hairs growing all over the place, but the bubble i see like 3 hairs where the crown nug would be, but at other joints on the stem there looks to be green nodes growing out, i hope its not a hermie :s do you have a thread or pic? post it up here in the journal, keep in touch im going to start flowering in a few days with the iguana bloom
Hey bro that is exactly how mine were acting as well and now they are covered in bud sites, I think bubblelicious is just a little late to the party but once she gets going she takes off. I think in a week you will be very impressed with her changes. That IJ will help a ton with blooming as well. Good luck man, keep us posted! Peace and Luck, BB34
I would say probably a good 15 to 20 bud sites at least so far. I don't know if that is "budding everywhere" as I stated but there a ton of bud sites on them now.


Active Member
Hey Bruno... just stumbled upon your thread and sub. I am anxiously awaiting my order of that funky Himylaya... Dying to know how the baby grows. I have a papaya, white widow, and white rhino finishing in about 4 weeks. After that I wanna do 10 Himalyas all autoflower. Keep us posted.

Also I would go with 20/4 time clock. At the very least 18/6. I believe those are the two optimum settings.

Peace...Love...and The Free Exchange of Information!


lol ya i guess thats budding everywhere, sorry lol thats nice i cant wait, yours are smaller and bushier mine seems taller but less bushy anyone recomend trimming autoflowers or lst while flowering, i read theres no use in topping them.. and yes the hymalaya is going smoothe, its not supposed to be a big yielder though, ill post pictures soon
I wouldn't trim them. The majority of research I have done shows trimming autos isn't beneficial. This is due to their predetermined life span. Because they have a set time frame on their life any time they have to focus their energy on rebuilding or they go into shock is all time they don't spent focusing on growing buds. So every time you trim them, top them, or transplant them you are causing them to either go into shock or focus nutrients and time on repairing themselves, either way they aren't growing or growing buds during this time. General rule of thumb with autos is leave them be, let nature take it's course. With regular plants this is a completely different story but with autos let them live their life to the fullest. I also think the differences between our two bubblelicious grows comes down to two things, lighting and phenos. I am using HID and you are using CFL, there is a difference in light penetration with these two bulbs. Also, phenos play a huge role, the bubblelicious has sativa in it, it is very possible your phenos are more sativa dominant than mine. They do look a little stretched and I think that is from the lighting, but phenos can play a role in these differences too. Hope this helps.


your right i didnt end up doing anything to them. and ya i have hid lights on my car what your using is similar? 4-6000k... anyways guys heres an update on my plants, this is from about 4 days ago. Hymalaya and La Diva budding, Bubbleliscious taking its time, no signs of it being male/hermie, though at the top there are clearly hairs on the first 2 stages(small), everywhere else there should be buds leafs are comming out nodes, no balls. healthy, though i made a mistake and only just realized why today. i watered them with my mix of Iguana Juice Bloom right before the lights were schedualed to go off, then the next morning i finished 'the batch' of water on them, a day or 2 later i noticed some white 'mold' or fungi on top of my soil where i had watered it, i then looked it up and crossed off everything from my list of possibilitys, except one. Unourished nutrients still on top of the soil, unflushed basically never got to my plant, so it was lying on top, the compost and became rotten. what i did was take completelly about 2 or 3 inches of soil on top in my pots out and replaced with new dry soil, did not water for 2 days, made sure it was nice and dry and no possibilities of it comming back. 5 minutes ago it clicked in my head. I knew ir was unfished iguana shit on top, but didnt realize it was my fault right before the lights go out, that would have at least dried it up causing the roots to feed off it. and now they are good.
View attachment 1275678 front to back, Hymalaya Blue Diesel, Bubblelicious, La Diva, 3 very diff plants

View attachment 1275683 La Diva budding ;)

View attachment 1275703 My Hymalaya budding!!
View attachment 1275706 The Hymalaya Deeeeeze again.
View attachment 1275707 Diva bottom nugs
View attachment 1275704Ldiva
View attachment 1275708Divaaa
View attachment 1275709Diva

Will update tomorrow with pics of bubble and maybe some of my Blue Cheese, which i dont have access to all the time.