Hypoasis mites crawling up into canopy?


Well-Known Member
I'll start by saying I have used these for years and never knowticed this... tons of beneficial mites always come in the malibu compost or castings I use to mix my soil and now populate in my worm bin. I love having them.

My possible problem... I'm getting to about day 31 from flip and buds are filling right in now. I have knowticed on 2 of 6 plants a few GOOD mites on some sugar leaves I think dead... or very stoned lol. I have been growing organic for years and never knowticed this even with a scope on my leaves etc. Is this a bad thing? I'm also having a gnat problem and I'd think they have plenty to munch on. I did treat with omri listed gnatrol so maybe they didnt like it and headed north lol. My plants are 3.5 to 5.5ft high so a hell of a long walk... my question is why? And is this a sign of somthing bad? Plants look good no visble damage anywhere? Here is a pic from 4 or 5 day or so ago for reference. Nothing health wise has changed, only buds have grown bigger..20190803_124724.jpg
Obviously only part of tent but everything is green and damage free.. thanks for any help! Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I have seen the good soil mites all over male plants in very high humidity. They seemed to be feasting on the pollen. They do need high humidity to survive above soil for long periods of time. Is it possible for you to take some pics of the critters to confirm that they are in fact the good ones?


Well-Known Member
I have seen the good soil mites all over male plants in very high humidity. They seemed to be feasting on the pollen. They do need high humidity to survive above soil for long periods of time. Is it possible for you to take some pics of the critters to confirm that they are in fact the good ones?

My humidity is rather high been 70 to 75 percent. My temps are staying 73 to 76.5. I have not looked at a vpd chart recently but I think I fall into a rather safe area. I'm honestly starting to believe the humidity deal has been exaggerated for years after learning a bit about vpd. I may try higher humidity this run with prob 5 clip fans about the tent to keep air moving and run with it.

Will they for a pic but not sure I'll get one close enough.. again I did start gnatrol treatment recently so possible the mites dont like it and crawl north? Not sure... thanks for the reply! Happy growing!