Hypocrisy Without Bounds: The Tragedy of ‘Liberal’ Foreign Policy

Seems like op understands that the president being investigated by the fbi for being a Russian agent is pretty much the biggest political story of all time
you mean the insurance policy the deep state triggered after their leader Comey was beheaded?
you mean the insurance policy the deep state triggered after their leader Comey was beheaded?
No I’m talking about him being cultivated by the kremlin since the early 80s, convinced to run in 2013, helped along by a Russian disinformation campaign that he coordinated with, and the 199+ secret meetings with 14 associates, all of which they tried to cover up
Democrats and Republicans both have problems neither are perfect.People need to stop acting like their side is always right.Bottom line there should only be one side Americans.The two sides have always disagreed on how to accomplish similar results.One wants to go around the bush on the right the other on the left but both wanted the same, to get to the other side of the bush.The Democratic party has changed now.Kennedy would be considered a fanatical conservative by my democratic friends.When Trump wants to do some of the same things as Obama (statement made by Obama we have a crisis at our southern border) when Trump says the same thing he is called a racist.The Dems wanted a wall just a few years ago now somehow it is immoral.A young rising star in the democratic party says the truth is not important but what is morally right,I thought the truth was moral and a lie was not ( whos morals is she talking about),What are they teaching our children today. As far as racism goes study history and you will find the southern democrats are the ones who wanted slavery that has not changed only today their plantations are the inner city where they keep the blacks poor and needy check out how democratic run cities are doing.The left is out of control and gone mad.they do not care about what is right for our country.But are driven by an unquenchable thirst for power and a HATRED for trump and anyone who opposes them including half our population (deplorable s who cling to gun and bible and shop at Walmart). This hatred has blinded them.Their policies will destroy the greatest government experiment known to man our constitution and the good ole U.S.A..You should not be ashamed to be proud of your country and its accomplishments,those that you enjoy today.The left would have you to think you should be.Socialism has never worked and never will,it is only the first step toward communism.This comes from someone who use to be a democrat and now after much research am ashamed to ever been one.We need to stop looking for only things that support our stand but rather also look at all the evidence, putting emotions aside and make decisions that help our entire country.Instead of being against a wall or barrier at the border because CNN and Nancy and Chuck tell you to(think for yourself)ask the folks that work there,live there,not just one person who says what you want to here.Research the green energy thought from BOTH sides and look at the cost then use your brain to figure it out stop letting a television station tell you what to think like a robot.Please do not try now to verbally destroy me because my opinion is different.But I know you will you just cannot help yourself.I challenge you to watch and then (research) to show credibility,The documentary Agenda and Agenda 2 watch with open eyes and mind it will show you the tip of the iceberg.I will not be responding to comments unless you do the research,As I do not want to just continue the same old arguments that lead to nowhere.Study,research and then and only then come to your own conclusion.If we disagree still then wonderful that is America at its best.I love you the same if you agree with me or not,in fact I usually never learn anything from folks who always agree with me.I am neither Republican or Democrat but vote and support the Idea that is presented itself.And right now the dems do not have any.only hatred and malice.As far as Trump goes at times he can appear as the village idiot and other times as the smartest one in the room,I do not agree with a lot of what he says and how he says it but at the end of the day he has Americas best interest at heart,If the dems would work with him even they may be able to get more of what they want done than ever before.God bless each and every one of you today regardless of the side of the isle you stand lets just take a stand for America before it is to late.And remember none of us are always right but we can be respectable to each other.Oh by the way you also should be shocked at the behavior or Chuck and Nancy as well otherwise it would be complicit.