Hypothetical grow notes

too larry

Well-Known Member
So far there have been two phenos of the AC f2's. A tall one and a fat leaf one. The tall pheno is in full out early flower. I didn't top her this time. I guess I will wait til she shows signs of reveg, then clip off as many of the buds as I can.

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5-29-18 was the first mention of the early flower in the Ass Cheese. {page 19} It had little buds on it then, so maybe a week or so of flower. That would be about 5 weeks total.
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too larry

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

too larry

Well-Known Member
A few more males. The 3rd Possum Shunk 1.5 just showed yesterday. The good news is I love it as a breeder, so even though i have collected pollen on Pos Shunk 1.5 #1 and #2, I'm going to wait on #3. I did go ahead and chop #1, and collect the shoots. The bad part is I had 3 of them, and they are all males.

Just for those keeping score, Possum Shunk 1.5 is:

Gorille Endormi X Poly Shunk 1.5

{GrapishBS X Donkey Kong} X [Powernap X Sinmint Cookies]) X (Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint X Shit/Skunk)

too larry

Well-Known Member
The other Skunk Shunk X Poly Shunk 1 in the double planted hole is a male. I like him much better than the other one, which I chopped and collected the shoots from.

One of the Chicken Stinks or Sleepy Chicken Stinks is showing hairs, so she is a girl. I have lots of pictures, but no time.

too larry

Well-Known Member
@thenotsoesoteric. When the rain gods and my schedule line up, these will be going out into the great, wide open. I re-did 6-7 holes this morning with chicken shit, coffee grounds, a thrift store bag of flower food, 3-4-3 HollyTone, 5-5-5 EcoScraps and Epson salts. I had done is a couple of months ago, but hadn't got any plants in them so they were full of food stealing roots.

I also want to turn around the holes from the males in the HG patch. That will be 3 more. I have a few more I have used in winter grows, but haven't risked full season plants in them. It's late enough I can risk it now.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the brevity of my report. I brought a cake mix to work and made canna yellow cake. Also got my buddy to help me cut out a polycryo ground sheet to go with my new Bug bivvie. We spent a good deal of time eating cake and discussing trail safety. See you guys on the weekend.



Well-Known Member
@thenotsoesoteric. When the rain gods and my schedule line up, these will be going out into the great, wide open. I re-did 6-7 holes this morning with chicken shit, coffee grounds, a thrift store bag of flower food, 3-4-3 HollyTone, 5-5-5 EcoScraps and Epson salts. I had done is a couple of months ago, but hadn't got any plants in them so they were full of food stealing roots.

I also want to turn around the holes from the males in the HG patch. That will be 3 more. I have a few more I have used in winter grows, but haven't risked full season plants in them. It's late enough I can risk it now.
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The weed gods can be brutal sometimes when growing guerrilla style. I hate to hear about your flowers, those storms are a bitch. Good luck on the last patch brother!

too larry

Well-Known Member
Dam, now I'm looking for turkey tracks in your photos.
We do have a few. Ten to fifteen years ago it wasn't uncommon to see flocks of 25 plus. But there is more hunting pressure now. You will see 2-3 at a time, and they will be moving on. Lots of leased timber land, in addition to all the ag land around me is hunted pretty heavy. I don't kill them anymore, so they get a break in my little piece of the woods.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I hope everyone had a good Fourth. I took a "hiking day", and spent the afternoon and evening transplanting {my half of} the young ones.

I didn't really check on any of the other patches, but the Clear {Oregon's Best Bag Seed} is right next door to the first hole, so. . . . .
All four plants from round 3 are doing good. Drats on the 85 or so seeds I drowned.
