Hypothetical Question?

Ok, Completely Hypothetically speaking... i have took it upon myself to grow. and lets say this is my first time. :). well my "Baby" is about, 20 inches tall. Id say about, a month or so in the veggie state...and he/she (Idk what to call it yet considering this is my first time...Hypothetically speaking...) has, 6 different corrosponding sets of leaves, like, The baby 2 sugar leaves or what ever at the very bottom, then sets of 3 leaves on each "Stalk" to each side. and the last two, have 5 leaves per "Stalk". its working on its 7th set of leaves, which have 5 leaves per "Stalk", and its 8th which is still mearly too small to see if it has 5 or 7 leaves... well. Im starting to get ancy because, Hypothetically speaking, i have this plant, and its getting tall, and starting to look pretty good. But the thing is, that i dont want to have this last month or so wasted because this is my first time... So im trying to get a big crop....

well longg story short. when should i start the flowering cycle if im looking to get a good...oz or two out of the plant? How do i know if its a female? can anyone post any good pictures stating the differences in sex? can someone give me some tips on if i should actually pinch some sets of the leaves off, because ive been letting it naturally grow. How many hours should i start weening it into the flowering state? because right now, it gets 24/7 light, from 1 cfl 120v bulb, and 2 regular bulbs. should i do, 16day, 8 night at first? like...can someone just talk to me like im a baby with this flowering stage? because im new to this whole thing, and its pretty intimidating, i dont want it to die from coldness or something stupid...Its main branch is already turning a shade of purple...im assuming from coldness? idk...i just need some good solid advice...oh and one last question, if this plant turns out to be a male, does it still put off thc or no?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say it but the plant in the picture will produce very little,don't exspect to much of the first ever grow .You have made the misstake that every new grower makes you have had the light far to high. You want the lights sitting no higher then 6/8 ince of the tops of the plant.the way to get a nice crop is to have the light's has close has possible,this will then intern let the internode's join during the flowering phase.look at your plant in more detail and you will get my drift there will be small sets of leaves, if you follow the stem back from the larger ones bud sites.if the internode's are too far apart then these will not join thus giveing you small fluffy buds and very little weight.the close the lights the closer the internodes giveing you a more dence bud formation.but you will get there each time that you will grow you will get more and more,but this what i have said is key to getting big yeilds. Have a fan blowing up at the lights blowing any heat away from the plants air flow and light height are the main two factors in getting big yeilds.i hate to say it but the plant that you have i would take the top of get it in some rooting gel and into soil and lower the lights.And get a couple of cfls or some flouresent lights you want one cool daylight tube one warm day light tube,


Well-Known Member
Use the FIM method to get branches then clone it so you can start over this plant is too messed up just clone and keep the light basicly touching the plant like he^ said. Get some tube floros or some extra cfls
Use the FIM method to get branches then clone it so you can start over this plant is too messed up just clone and keep the light basicly touching the plant like he^ said. Get some tube floros or some extra cfls

Well hmm. the one light in the picture is off and thats the flourscent/cfl idk exactly which. but it was too bright for the pic.... So for my next plant, i should use a couple more cfl bulbs, Almost touching the plant, and have a fan blowing the heat away?

and js, this is my first time ever attempting it. i figured it would be kinda dudish.

Buddha C

Well hmm. the one light in the picture is off and thats the flourscent/cfl idk exactly which. but it was too bright for the pic.... So for my next plant, i should use a couple more cfl bulbs, Almost touching the plant, and have a fan blowing the heat away?

and js, this is my first time ever attempting it. i figured it would be kinda dudish.
Don't have the fan CONSTANTLY blowing on the plant/s get an oscillating fan, and for cfl it's suggested you keep the bulb and inch or two away from the plant. Dry to get 65k/Daylight cfls for veg period, and 27k/Soft White or around there for the flowering period.
alright, well think this bad hopefully girl is ready for flowering? standing 20inches tall? >.< i dont wanna do it too early like i said