Hypothetically, How much would you sell this for?


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents on the topic.From my clients i get honest answers and the main reason most card members go to clubs is for two reasons, one they feel more secure going to a club then going to someones home or to some other area they normally would not be in they dont feel safe..the other reason is simple if you have a card and you've went through the trials and cost to get it why not use it, so that you have that safety valve to fall back on if the cops do stop you or whatever. I have only a few clients and they all have cards but no matter what peeps say here or anywhere else in some cops minds its still not legal to possess or drive around with or even purchase. All my clients get reciepts from the club just for this reason for there own protection later..But the argument that cannabis club bud is better then say joe blows down the street is not so all my clients preffer to have mine and or someone i know over the club strain of the same version thats fact!!! And my brother is a so called legal card holder patient suffering badly from MS.. Yet it is a luxury to go somewhere and have offered to you more then 30 different types of bud to choose from thats the lure of clubs along with the safety of them, well thats what my peeps tell me..And in the coming days weeks months or years who's to say how safe they are going to be? Peace Pot Prosperity...out!
i don't kno about where u guys r but in N.Y. most dealers have sevral strains and price go's by quality. arguing about who's better clinics or dealers is a pointless argument. dealers r a street form of the clinics, and if u think teens dont smoke shit from clinics then ur sadly mistaken because the seeds i used to do from my first crop came from a clinic that my friends teen little brother ordered from online. just like with beer if teens want weed they'll find a way to get it, and most of the dealers i kno that have good bud grow it them selves and get their seed from the same place as the clinics do. (test out ur bud and compare it to whats around ur area and then base the price accordingly, and dont tell the people who u sell it to that u grew it because they'll want it cheaper because its HOME GROWN even tho almost everything in the USA is grown in some ones closet or backyard). GOOD LUCK, and hope things work out for u