Well-Known Member
interesting...never heard of such a thing in the states. not to say there isnt similar organizations.chain stores? even worse, they have to conform to "standards".
stores that are owned by organized crime groups, the people willing to buy all your product, no matter the dry weight.......... unless its to small of course...... then again, this being BC "you" can go down to vancouver and trade 1LB of quality weed for 1KG (2.2lbs) of coke, which "you" then smugle down to washington and sell for $30,000...... $2500 in weed turns into $30,000 in coke............ those are the "gangs" im talking about.......
and i actually get the bulk of my supplies from a midwest hydro chain....hell, i use thier store brand nutes(love 'em too!). they are not as personable as my guy further across town, they dont give me deals like he does, and i dont talk shop with them. but they have great selection/prices and keep regular store hours. now my other hydro guy, thats another story... ive been to his grow, witnessed all his glory, and have gotten drool-on-yourself-stoned with the fellow. he also is the used equipment king in my area. i get 1000w air cooled rigs for $150 on the regular, 400Wers for $75.
the car i drive everyday is not registered to my grow so i dont worry about driving it to the shop. this is the one precaution i am strict about.