I accidentally dropped my power strip on my plant during flowering stage my main stem on the top broke off completely wat should i do?


I accidentally drop my power strip on my plant and it broke the main stem on top completely off I lost my whole top of the plant now the stems on the side where leaning so I tied string to support them but I'm not sure if she gonna survive should I put my light cycle back to veg state for a couple of week then go back to flowering or wat this my first time growing and she was looking so good 38 inches tall now with this accident it's 28 inches I'm really worried can someone give me any advice????



Well-Known Member
I accidentally drop my power strip on my plant and it broke the main stem on top completely off I lost my whole top of the plant now the stems on the side where leaning so I tied string to support them but I'm not sure if she gonna survive should I put my light cycle back to veg state for a couple of week then go back to flowering or wat this my first time growing and she was looking so good 38 inches tall now with this accident it's 28 inches I'm really worried can someone give me any advice????
It was too tall before. Looks great.


Just let it grow
It looks fine
Crank up that light
It needs more light
Yea I got that lamp and also one in the center but u can't see it in the photo I'm thinking about getting a third one so with the main stem that broke off I cut some branches from it and put them in water to clone from the main stem so I got like 5 back up plan if the mother don't make it


So like I said it was in flowering stage before the accident I'm putting back to veg state but not sure how long I should keep it in veg state before I put it back to flowering stage ??? Any comments???


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Staff member
So like I said it was in flowering stage before the accident I'm putting back to veg state but not sure how long I should keep it in veg state before I put it back to flowering stage ??? Any comments???
Yeah I'd leave her in flower and keep going. Check out my post here:

They are tough plants.


Well-Known Member
put stem back together and have it 100% touch, wrap in tape , put bamboo on stem and support it with green wire or tape.

key is to have that stem 100% contact , I’ve had even outdoor plants or indoor pants the ladder fall on em and if done within he’s those steps almost every time they survive and also that broken point will actually be stronger Aka high stress Training


Well-Known Member
The only thing to do with the broken off top if its still alive is to turn it into a cutting or several cuttings.
Edit : Sorry I wasn't paying attention to the further posts. Yes cuttings was the perfect thing to do.
It's a win win situation


Well-Known Member
But where the break is on the mother plant do I just leave it like that????
Don't worry, bout a thing, cos every little thing's gonna be alright.
You're plant is going to bush out more and you will have more cuttings to make or more buds to make depending on what you are using that plant for. I know for blueberry its recommended to chop the top off it the plant to increase yield substantially. Topping doesn't increase yield for all strains but for some it can make a big difference. All that you have lost is the christmas tree shape, which doesn't matter.