I AIN't scared


Well-Known Member
ok, to sex take a small cutting, label and place in humid dome or plastic bottles or some shit, and 12/12 with minimal light couple of small cfls and a complete dark period. OR wait until you switch to 12/12 and a week or so later sex will show, discard males.

unkle mouse

Active Member
yea thinking more along the lines of discarding males altogether,, reason being to me anyways, is what I learned setting up this room, and on a 1-10 scale, I give myself a 4, still a shitload of improvement's needed, not even counting the lighting deal... figure will keep my other seeds and when I do get 2nd room setup. and the other strain I want (Alaskan Thunder),, do them both,,, then try some cross breeding,,, unless one of these 1st 6 plants happens to be a big BIG,, male I will set up a separate room to keep him happy but alone

ok, to sex take a small cutting, label and place in humid dome or plastic bottles or some shit, and 12/12 with complete dark period. OR wait until you switch to 12/12 and a week or so later sex will show, discard males.

unkle mouse

Active Member
rite there you smart people better haul ass,,
any way.... OK CAPTIAN,, you ask about veg time, so it occurs to me that I wonder IF I might go ahead and just do a full 8 weeks FROM final transplant to 5 gallon buckets,,, and i just saw TERM some how I missed before ..[PRE-FLOWER],, not sure what that means yet


Well-Known Member
when you see calyxes with two white hairs (or male parts)before they go into12/12 like my c99's are now. untitled.pngsigns of sexual maturity-not entirely sure if preflowering occurs in all strains . alternate nodes untitled.pngis another term related to maturity,

unkle mouse

Active Member
the way my yard is set up I can do all kinds of fun stuff,,,, ask a few of my ex girl friends,,,
wait a minute

no don't do that.. lol

unkle mouse

Active Member
ok here it is,, sound like a broken record but again I say, paid for 10 got 12 planted 6,,,11/18,,,, and 6 came up,, took the 4 biggest seeds and the 2 smallest seeds ,the sprout order was//is

3 4 2
1 6 5

now when you look back at my other pictures looking into the door what you see is


had them in the seed dome exactly laid out like that, so I could keep track of which one's were the smallest seeds, however,as it is very clear to me that the ((smallest seeds)) DID something strange
,,, yep if ya been following me at all you already know #6 is the runt,, SMALL SEED..
guess what the other other SMALL SEED is?...
don't take a rocket scientist,,, #4,, here is a pic of #4,, it ain't no runt



Well-Known Member
chunky but get that cig away from the plant lol. I was going to use a smoke for size ref but I think its sacrilegious or something :) That "T" looks awesome and strangely familiar:clap:

unkle mouse

Active Member
hadn't been on in a day or so, will get more pics up late this evening,, but up-date,, took all weights off yesterday,, hell man the plants were lifting them weights up any ways,, 1oz weights