I ain't seen the sunshine in three damn days


Well-Known Member
It's been constantly raining here, for almost a week. It's pretty fucking awesome. No storms or anything, just steady showers all day this week. Anyone else love to take a few rips then wander around Aimlessly in the rain?


Well-Known Member
rain here too!

i think there's a storm brewing!

i keep getting caught out in it. the day will start off nice, so i decide to go on a bike ride, walk the dog etc... and when i'm miles away from any sort of shelter, that's when the heavens decided to open. i don't mind the rain though, i love being inside and just hearing the rain lash down on the windows.

hope it holds back for the next few days. i'm biking (some of the way) to Amsterdam this weekend. and i don't fancy getting soaked :(


Well-Known Member
I really wish it would rain here, I love it and It's great for my grass seed that I planted last week. But instead it snowed on and off for the last 2 days and was cold 5 degrees celsius. Sucks, but next week all is good

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Dude u must live near where I live...Its been showering all week here too, which is kinda unusual for this time of year, but appreciated nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
I like to sit on my covered front porch and listen to the rain... especially if there's thunder to go along with it. :D

We had an absolutely gorgeous day here t'day. 80 degrees, clear skies and not a hint of humidity in the air. I spent most of it outside, soaking up some sun.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I like to sit on my covered front porch and listen to the rain... especially if there's thunder to go along with it. :D

We had an absolutely gorgeous day here t'day. 80 degrees, clear skies and not a hint of humidity in the air. I spent most of it outside, soaking up some sun.
Porches were made for thunder storms. Porch swings are awesome. Your day sounds like mine, except mine had a nice breeze all day. It couldn't get anymore perfect(except I'm out of bud:cry:).


Well-Known Member
its been pouring in the sunshine states lately. dis mornig i got up it was stormin, so i posted up and burned a piff in the porch.


Well-Known Member
Yeah north florida is getting hit hard. The sky is grey right now, but for the first time in a while it's not raining.


Active Member
3 days? That's it? I lived for many years in the Seattle area, sometimes it would go several weeks at a time during Fall/Winter without any sunshine. Then the sun would pop out for a day and the whole city would be on a natural high. Then it would be back to a constant drizzle for weeks again. Damn I miss it. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
I'm reminded by the song "It Never Rains In Southern California." Three+ days of straight rain sounds very enticing.