I am Clueless!.. Black stripes on leaves? could do with a hand here!

Hey, The lemon haze is afew weeks into flowering now, and is looking and smelling nice, Only iv just noticed that some of the leave on the plants have red stems ? Also, on afew of the leaves around the buds have started to develop a Black tiger stripe print ? Any info or help would be much appreciated ! Thanksill3.jpgill2.jpgill1.jpg


Well-Known Member
everything looks fine, it just looks like genetics to me. when plants mature some strains tend to change colors, its normal. same with the red/purple stems. it can be a sign of a deficiency but it can also be from genetic traits. id guess the latter.

what have you been feeding them and how often?


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt b able to help u here but she looks great to me might jus b the buds stealing nutes from the plant or like mr.F said it could jus b genetics


Well-Known Member
Make sure your ph is right. I dont see any tiger stripes, try and get some pics of that in particular. But the red stems are either genetic or a possible ph off set


Well-Known Member
I would definitly check the PH before thinking it's starving for anything

on an indica I would say ride it out. looks great.

but I would try to get it sorted out if you're only a few weeks into flowering a haze


Active Member
My SLH is doing the same thing, don't quote me be maybe it can be chalked up as genetics. My pH has been good all the way through, if anything it was over fed at one point.
Yeah I think your fine, but if it is a fungal problem which I'm not saying it is, I'm using it for an example, you would definitely want to get it in corrected (treated, cured, controlled, supressed) within the first 2 weeks of the flowering cycle or else you could yield less, ect. :weed: